
Forum: "Learning Repositories in Agriculture, Food & Environment" October, 2010


Forum: "Learning Repositories in Agriculture, Food & Environment" October, 2010

Quality Promises & Considerations in Learning Repositories and Portals (AgLR 2010). Organized by AgLR-Task Force and e-Agriculture. 6-29 October 2010. 
This forum was organized to seek a common understanding of the quality considerations for all the stakeholders in learning repositories and portals on agricultural and environmental issues. Participants shared guidance, standards, technologies, tools, recommendations, and good practices for: building quality into the creation process of learning resources; creating processes & tools to ensure quality in the resource annotation, curation and preservation life cycles; setting up quality processes on a repository level; defining quality criteria and processes on a web portal level; assessing the quality of learning resources; taking advantage of users' feedback as a component of the quality status of either a repository or a portal.