
Forum: “Opening access to CGIAR Research and Knowledge: From Data, Information and Collaboration to Food” September, 2007


Forum: “Opening access to CGIAR Research and Knowledge: From Data, Information and Collaboration to Food” September, 2007

"If a tree grows in the laboratory, will the poor eat its fruit?" This forum was organized by the ICT-KM Programme of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR).

The objective of this Forum was to make it easier for CGIAR staff, partners and potential partners to access, use and add value to the research and to the scientific outputs of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). This was a discussion on "Global Public Goods (GPGs): From Data and Information to Food”. The ICT-KM programme promotes and supports the use of ICT and knowledge management (KM) to improve the effectiveness of the CGIAR System's work on behalf of the poor in developing countries.