Food for the cities programme

New knowledge products launched to promote resilient and sustainable city region food systems


The City Region Food Systems (CRFS) Programme recently launched a "digital library" to promote knowledge exchange between CRFS stakeholders across the world. 

These new knowledge products reflect the Programme's dedication to promoting resilient and sustainable food systems in city regions, aiming to be a cornerstone resource for researchers, policymakers, and practitioners alike. The library consolidates a diverse array of knowledge products to support the development and management of sustainable food systems worldwide.

Visitors to the library will discover a wealth of resources, including detailed city insights, comprehensive reports, engaging webinar recordings, informative publications, and dynamic podcasts, videos and interviews. These materials offer in-depth analysis, case studies, policy recommendations, and firsthand accounts from experts in the field, providing a broad perspective on the challenges and opportunities within city region food systems.

The inclusion of diverse formats—from written documents to interactive webinars—ensures that stakeholders have access to a variety of information sources, enhancing the learning experience and facilitating the exchange of ideas and best practices. This digital library is envisioned as a tool for empowerment, helping to foster more resilient, sustainable, and inclusive food systems in cities around the globe.

For those interested in exploring this rich repository of knowledge, we invite you to visit the Resources page. Here, you can access the digital library's extensive offerings and join the global effort towards sustainable city region food system transformation.