La Plataforma de la Agricultura Tropical (TAP)

Presentation of the DeSIRA-LIFT project at the FNSSA Stakeholder Engagement Week

The DeSIRA-LIFT project is starting! The project will be presented during the FNSSA Stakeholder Engagement Week, at the session "Leveraging the DeSIRA initiative for agri-food systems transformation: building on and with your experience and lessons learnt (WUR – DESIRA LIFT)". For details, see the Participant's Guide here.

The DeSIRA-LIFT will manage and deliver services for the Development Smart Innovation through Research in Agriculture (DeSIRA) Initiative in support of DG INTPA, the involved European Delegations and stakeholders at large. The DeSIRA-LIFT project comprises both the delivery of pre-defined services and emerging on-demand services. The former is intended to create continuity and synergy, while the latter will ensure flexibility to deal with upcoming questions and requests. The services are divided into work packages (WPs). WP1 involves actions in support of running DeSIRA research and innovation projects in countries. WP2 will identify and implement support for the CAADP ex pillar 4 organisations (FARA, AFAAS, ASARECA, CORAF, CCARDESA, GFAR) and TAP, in close consultation with these organisations. WP3 aims at aims at supporting and designing DeSIRA pillar 3 activities, in other words, at making knowledge work for the EU (DG INTPA, EU delegations) and policy makers. It focuses on connecting integral results to the broader Agriculture Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS), in particular within Europe and Africa. In this session, the DeSIRA-LIFT project and its work packages will be further introduced, but more importantly, this session is particularly designed to obtain a lively interaction with participants on the issues and priorities to inform the three work packages. Thus, we can enhance future cooperation in FNSSA and build on experiences and approaches applied in other (DeSIRA) projects and integrate lessons learnt.


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