La Plataforma de la Agricultura Tropical (TAP)

The TAP Steering Committee holds meeting at FAO Headquarters in Rome

The TAP Steering Committee met at FAO Headquarters in Rome from 19 – 20 February 2014. Key topics were discussed, resulting in the following major outcomes:

  • Agreement to establish a Global Task Force on Capacity Development (CD), with the participation of high-level representatives of international organizations and regional fora on agricultural research for development.
  • Agreement to establish, in the coming months, the CD Expert Group for supporting the Global Task Force by providing technical advice, for example on the development of self-assessment tools and the common framework for CD.
  • Confirmation of support to the Tropical Agriculture Platform by FAO Management at the highest level.
  • Identification of funding opportunities through the European Commission and IFAD for the implementation of global, regional and country-based activities as outlined in the TAP Action Plan.





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