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La Plataforma de la Agricultura Tropical (TAP)

Noticias y Eventos

Más de 40 personas, entre ellas representantes de instituciones públicas, empresa privada, ONG, ADESCOS y gobiernos locales, participaron de un proceso de consulta para el desarrollo de capacidades de pequeños productores de café en el occidente del país. San Salvador, febrero...
En una amplia consulta, diversos sectores vinculados a la agricultura destacaron la importancia de desarrollar las capacidades funcionales, tanto a instituciones como a agricultores familiares, para el impulso de la innovación agrícola. San Salvador, febrero 2019.- Como resultado de un proceso...
This Friday, January 25, 2019 a Policy dialogue meeting was held in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso under the very high patronage of the Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation (MESRSI). Organized as part of the CDAIS project for the...
In the heart of Rome at the end of November, 600 delegates gathered for three days at the world headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The reason? To share experiences and forge a way forward...
The Asia Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institution (APAARI), the Tropical Agricultural Platform (TAP) and  the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) are jointly organizing a webinar on Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation. The webinar will be held on Friday 30...