Movilización de recursos

Building Strong Foundations for Production of Food for Farmers in Moldova

Agriculture is one of the most important pillars of Moldova’s economy. With sustainable crop production reliant upon the availability of pest/disease/drought-resistant varieties that perform well under local conditions, production requirements can only be addressed through the conservation of local plant genetic resources and the availability of varieties of plant genetic material. With few mechanisms in place in the country, the project was designed to improve the capacity of the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment to enhance the sustainable conservation and utilization of plant genetic resources, through cooperation and exchange of material, knowledge and experience among stakeholders. It also aimed to build capacities at the national level.

Resultados obtenidos

The project assessed the needs and opportunities for conservation and use of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and monitored implementation of FAO’s Global Plan of Action for the resources through the establishment of a National Information-Sharing Mechanism. A crucial contribution was made to the conservation and sustainable utilization of the diversity of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture through the development of a well-coordinated and functional National Programme. In addition, the institutional capacity in conservation and sustainable use of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture was strengthened, with capacities enhanced for professional staff and a basis created for long-term conservation of the resources.


Plant Genetic Resources contribute to the sustainability of ecosystems and the protection of ecosystem services, while helping to meet the challenges related to changes to the environment, including climate change. The improvement of in situ conservation of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, the key aspect of the National Programme and Action Plan, will contribute to environmental sustainability in Moldova. In addition, trained staff will share the information gathered and the knowledge gained with colleagues, while the conditions created for the reliable storage of genetic material will lead to the development of new technologies, such as new productive and adaptive crop varieties.


  • National Information-Sharing Mechanism established, and national Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture database established and monitored, featuring all documented species.
  • The national gene bank was upgraded and equipped.
  • Draft National Programme and the five-year Action Plan elaborated. Guidelines for development of a National Programme prepared and discussions held to agree upon the structure, strategic objectives and major elements of the Programme. Data on collection status, policy and legislative framework collected and analysed.
  • Three-day training course organized for national professional staff and technicians on germplasm conservation.
  • 35 specialists from national research institutions were trained in “Documentation, information system and sustainable use” and on the National Information Sharing Mechanism.
  • 15 specialists involved with Plant Genetic Resources breeding, both female and male, trained on plant breeding applications, in particular those using modern technologies.
  • Study tour to Hungary conducted for two national experts in genetic resources.
Título del proyecto: Support to the development of a National Programme for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
Contacto: FAO Office in the Republic of Moldova / AvetikNersisyan(Lead Technical Officer)