Decent Rural Employment

Who we are

At the international policy level there is increasing recognition of the importance of the linkages between rural employment, poverty reduction and food security. For instance, full and productive employment and decent work for all are reflected under Goal 8 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

In recent years, the need for expert support on employment issues has steadily increased from FAO Member Countries as well as the Organization’s large network of decentralized offices. To improve on its response capabilities, FAO has elevated its commitment towards decent employment with a dedicated Organizational Outcome within the reviewed Strategic Framework (2020-2019), under Strategic Objective 3: Reduce rural poverty.

Decent rural employment promotion is currently a prominent feature of FAO’s work programme in approximately 62 countries. FAO supports countries through context-specific research and knowledge generation and through technical advice in the design and implementation of policies and programmes that address decent work deficits in rural areas. Overall, FAO aims to work closely with governments and other partners to ensure inclusive growth that creates productive employment, and to develop coherent methodologies and tools for the promotion of decent rural employment at country level.

FAO’s Decent Rural Employment Team is responsible for leading and coordinating efforts on decent rural employment promotion and mainstreaming at FAO's headquarters, regional and country offices.