Empleo rural decente


Mauritania: A mobile app to help curb child labour in agriculture

Digital tools hold great potential for promoting children's health and wellbeing. This is the case for REEFI, the innovative mobile application developed by FAO in collaboration with Mauritania's Institut Supérieur du Numérique. The app is an educational game and through playing teaches children about their rights and body needs. It helps...

FAO joins two global initiatives to drive impact

Our world faces challenges to social justice, stemming from overlapping crises and long-term structural economic transformations. Rising rates of extreme poverty, working poverty, child labour, youth unemployment, and informal work underscore the urgency of addressing inequalities and ensuring decent work globally. In this context, multilateral cooperation is crucial to leverage the...

Decent rural jobs break the cycle of poverty and exclusion for youth with disabilities

Stephen lost his hearing when he was as little as seven, but also thanks to the Integrated Country Approach (ICA) project this disability didn’t stop him from earning a decent pay.  As his poultry farming business develops, he is expecting to build a comfortable life and leave his financial worries...

Breaking barriers: Empowering youth with disabilities through agribusiness

Celestine became physically impaired in October 2020 after a road accident. This traumatic event caused her serious challenges including depression as she felt abandoned and marginalized by her friends and community. But also thanks to her participation in the FAO Integrated Country Approach (ICA) project, she started life anew. ...

Thriving in agribusiness: Redefining possibilities for youth with disabilities in Kenya

Sarah lost her hearing when she was only two years old. She never experienced life without disability, despite that, her determination allowed her to access the labour market. But that was not enough. Although she was employed in hospitality, her earnings were so low she couldn’t make ends meet. Thanks...