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Appendix B - Some grafting methods


INGEGERD DORMLING is Assistant in the Department of Forest Genetics, Royal College of Forestry, Stockholm. See also Appendix C.

Time of grafting

In Sweden conifers are grafted in the greenhouse in February and March or in the open in spring or early summer. The rootstocks used are 3 to 4 years old (2 + 1 or 2 + 2 transplants). Those used for greenhouse grafting are potted up in the spring or summer before grafting and brought into the greenhouse during early January. The best time for grafting has proved to be when the buds of the rootstocks begin to burst. Completely dormant shoots from last year's growth are used as scions. Trees in the north of Sweden often have annual shoots which are too short and thin, and must be grafted with 2- to 3-year-old wood. Deciduous trees may be grafted in the greenhouse in March or April or in the open in April. In both cases the sap flow of the scion must not have begun.

It is often necessary to store the scions for some time, particularly for outdoor grafting, when the scions are collected in dormancy during the winter. Storage in perforated plastic bags at a temperature of around 32°F (0°C) has been satisfactory. Lower temperatures can also be used if the scions are taken in cold weather. It is, however, not advisable to collect scion-wood when the temperature is below 23°F (-5°C).

Grafting methods

The grafting methods most used in Sweden are shown in Figure 28A, B and C. The veneer side graft is the most satisfactory method for conifers, especially for Norway spruce (Picea abies). The scion should be 5 to 8 centimeters (2 to 3 inches) long. All needles are removed from the lower part and the scion is prepared by two cuts, one 3 to 4.5 centimeters (1.2 to 1.7 inches) long and a short cut on the opposite side to make the base wedgeshaped. The rootstock is cleaned at the region of grafting and a slice or veneer of bark, including a trace of wood, is removed by a slicing cut. At the base a flap is formed by cutting off the veneer with a downward cut. The cuts on rootstock and scion must correspond so that the cambial regions can be accurately fitted together.

The side-slit graft is mainly used for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) when large rootstocks must be grafted with thin scions. The scion receives two equal cuts 3 to 4 centimeters (1.2 to 1.5 inches) long to form a wedge. The incision on the rootstock is made tangentially to the cambium, the bark is lifted and the scion inserted so that the cambial regions fit at the incision face.

The whip-and-tongue graft is especially used for deciduous trees but has also been applied with some success to Scots pine and European larch (Larix decidua). The latter species may be grafted by any of the methods described here. The basal end of the scion is fashioned by a slanting cut of a length about 6 times the thickness of the scion. A downward-pointing tongue is made in the slanting surface. The cut on the rootstock differs according to the size of rootstock and scion. If they are of equal diameter, a slanting cut of corresponding length is made in the rootstock and an upward-pointing tongue is made to match that of the scion. On a rootstock considerably larger than the scion the cut must be comparatively shallow. It is important that the basal cambium of the cut scion is matched with the lower exposed part of the stock cambium, and that there is cambial contact at the apical part of the stock. The top buds are always removed from the scions, and in the case of Fagus sylvatica all other buds are reduced to about one third of their length. If this is not done the scion produces a large leaf mass before the graft union is made and will die owing to drying out.

Three grafting methods.

Veneer side graft

Side slit graft

Whip-and-tongue graft

The grafts are tied with plastic tape or raffia and sealed with wax. No waxing of conifer grafts is done in southern Sweden (Ekebo) but at Sundmo, Brunsberg and Bogesund in northern and central Sweden it has proved necessary for good results.

When a union has formed, the rootstocks are gradually cut back. This must be done with great care and not too quickly. On Scots pine and European larch, grafts done at Ekebo, the rootstocks have been cut back entirely in the first summer with good results; otherwise it has been advisable to wait until the following summer.

Other grafting methods

Many other grafting techniques may be used successfully. In Finland and the United States summer grafting with semi-succulent material has been used for conifers and the scion wood is collected immediately before grafting.

For some coniferous species (especially Larix) so-called hand grafting has been proved successful - that is, grafting carried out according to one of the usual methods but on unpotted seedlings (2 years old) which are transplanted into cold frames immediately after the operation.

Top grafting on comparatively large coniferous trees planted in seed orchards is sometimes recommended but is advisable only for species easy to graft, such as Larix and possibly Pinus. In Denmark the method is used for Pseudotsuga taxifolia. Some top grafting on potted rootstocks of Picea abies in the greenhouse has been done in Sweden with good results. The grafting technique comprises decapitation of the roostock and cuts on stock and scion similar to those of veneer side grafting; this method is called the veneer crown or top veneer graft.

No universal generalization can be made about the best time for grafting. It varies with climate, grafting method and species. Some information can be obtained from the literature cited below.

In grafting outdoors, movable polyethylene greenhouses, as used in Finland, are helpful as protection for the grafts. Polyethylene bags covering individual grafts have been successfully used in Canada and the United States.


BRAUN, H. J. 1962. Zur Frage günstiger Pfropftermine bei Holzpflanzen-Pfropfungen. Allgem. Forst. Jagdz., 133: 256-259.

DORMLING, I. 1962. Ympningsmetoder för tall och gran [Grafting methods for Scots pine and Norway spruce]. Medd. Statens Skogsforskninginst., Stockh. 51 (2): 23.

FOWLER, D. P. 1959. A summer field grafting technique for pine. For. Chron., 35: 30-35.

GARNER, R. J. 1959. The grafters' handbook. London. 260 p.

GUINAUDEAU, J. 1961. Note sur les procédés de greffage du pin maritime. Rev. forest. franç., 13: 152-160.

HOLST, M. J. 1956. Phenology of rootstocks and grafts in a timing experiment with autumn and winter grafting of Norway and white spruce. Can. Dep. Northern Affairs Nat. Resources, Forestry Branch, Forest Res. Div. Tech. Note 48. 17 p.

KEILLANDER, C. L. 1946. Om bärrträdsforädling och bärrträdsympning [On the breeding and grafting of conifers]. Svensk Papperstid., 49: 556-563, 586-593.

LESKINEN, U. 1960. Kokemuksia männyn vartamisesta Suomessa [Experiences in the grafting of pine in Finland]. Eripainos Metsätaloudellisesta Aihakauslehdestä, 11. 6 p.

NAESS-SCHMIDT, K. & SØEGAARD, B. 1960. Podehöjdens inflydelse på podekvistens vaekstrytme og form [The influence of the grafting height on the development of the scion]. Det Forst. Forsøgsvaesen i Danmark, 26: 315-324.

MERGEN, F. 1955. Grafting slash pine in the field and in the greenhouse. J. For., 53: 836-842.

MERGEN, F. & ROSSOL, E. 1954. How to root and graft slash pine. Southeast. Forest. Expt. Sta., Asheville, Sta. Paper 46. 22 p.

ORR-EWING, A. L. & PRIDEAUX, D. C. 1959. Grafting methods for the Douglas fir. For. Chron., 35: 192-202.

SCHRÖCK, O. & HOFFMANN, K. 1957. Sommerpfropfung im Freiland für die Anlage von Samenplantagen. Züchter, 27: 246-250.

SCHRÖCK, O., KOOTZ, F. W. & HOFFMANN, K. 1954. Forstliche Samenplantagen. Ein Beitrag zu ihrer Anlage. Berlin. 79 p.

WEBB, C. D. 1961. Field grafting Loblolly pine. N. Carolina State Coll., School Forestry, Raleigh, Tech. Rept. 10. 33 p.

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