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  1. The Second Session of the Joint FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission was held at WHO Headquarters, Palais des Nations, Geneva, 28 September -7 October 1964. The Session was attended by 135 participants including the representatives and observers of 40 countries and observers from 17 international organizations (see pages 3–18 for list of participants).

  2. The Second Session of the Joint FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission was convened by the Directors-General of FAO and WHO. The Commission was presided over by its Chairman, Dr. J.L. Harvey (U.S.A.) and two of the Vice-Chairmen, Prof. Dr. M.J.L. Dols (Netherlands) and Dr. Z. Zaczkiewicz (Poland). Apologies for absence due to ill health were received from Mr. H. Doyle (New Zealand), Vice-Chairman. The Commission appointed Dr. Julia Alvarez (Cuba), Mr. E. Doling (U.K.) and Mr. R. Souverain (France) as rapporteurs. At the end of the Second Session the Commission unanimously re-elected as its regular officers to serve until the end of the Third Session Dr. J.L. Harvey (U.S.A.) Chairman, Prof. Dr. M.J.L. Dols (Netherlands), Mr. H. Doyle* (New Zealand) and Dr. Z. Zaczkiewicz (Poland), Vice-Chairmen.

    The Commission adopted the provisional agenda prepared by the Executive Committee and established two Sub-Committees to consider First and Second Readings of Standards:-

    Sub-Committee I - General Principles, Additives and Labelling

    Chairman: Prof. Dr. M.J.L. Dols (Netherlands)

    Sub-Committee II - Food Standards

    Chairman: Mr. H.P. Mollenhauer (Federal Republic of Germany)

    The Commission also established a Working Party on the Rules of Procedure and Related Matters under the Chairmanship of Mr. J.H.V. Davies (United Kingdom).
    Delegates from Canada, France, Federal Republic of Germany and India under the Chairmanship of Mr. Nathan Koenig (USA) constituted a Working Party to clarify the terms of reference and work of the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene (see paragraphs 28 to 31).

* The Commission was informed by the Secretariat that although the Government of New Zealand had officially designated Mr. H. Doyle as a delegate to the Second Session, due to a sudden illness Mr. Doyle had been prevented from attending the Session. In these circumstances the Commission decided exceptionally to waive Rule II.1. and declared Mr. Doyle as eligible for re-election in absentia. The Commission further wished to record that this action should not be regarded as establishing a precedent for future elections of its officers.

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