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  1. The Commission received a report from the Chairman concerning three meetings of the Executive Committee of the Commission held in July 1963 (Rome), May 1964 (Washington) and September 1964 (Geneva). Owing to the shortage of money in the Trust Fund, the Executive Committee at its second meeting had found it necessary to substantially revise the budget for 1964 which had been previously approved by the Codex Alimentarius Commission at its First Session. Details of the original budget for 1964 were contained in paragraph 72 of the Report of the First Session. The Executive Committee having regard to the information available at the second meeting on the contributions and pledges from Member Countries for 1964 and the amount of money carried over from 1963, revised the budget and programme on an austerity basis for the remainder of 1964 and prepared a draft austerity budget for 1965 for submission to the Commission for approval (see paragraphs 11 and 12 of this Report).


  1. At the request of the Commission, Professor O. Högl (Switzerland), the Co-ordinator for Europe, convened a meeting of countries of the European Region to discuss proposals concerning the establishment of the Advisory Group for Europe and procedures for the elaboration of regional standards. The Agenda and Report of that meeting appear as documents ALINORM 64 LIM/EURO 1 and 2 in Appendix A to this Report.

  2. The Commission, after discussing fully the procedure recommended by the meeting of European countries for the elaboration of regional standards, established a Working Party under the Chairmanship of Mr. J.H.V. Davies (United Kingdom) to examine the Rules of Procedure of the Commission and Related Matters. The Revised Report of the Working Party on the Rules of Procedure and Related Matters (ALINORM 64/LIM/9 - Rev.1), together with the documents referred to the Working Party in its terms of reference, appear in Appendix A to this Report.


  1. The Commission, after a full discussion, adopted the Revised Report of the Working Party on Rules of Procedure and Related Matters (see Appendix A to this Report)*. At the request of the Delegation of the Federal Republic of Germany the Commission emphasized that the procedure under Step 1 of Part 2 of Appendix II of the Working Party's Revised Report for the elaboration of regional standards could only be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Rule VI.3 of the Commission's Amended Rules of Procedure (see paragraph 7 of the Working Party's Revised Report).

  2. The Commission requested the Secretariat to submit the Amended Rules of Procedure to the Directors-General of FAO and WHO for their approval. The Amended Rules of Procedure appear in Appendix B to this Report, and for ease of reference the Statutes of the Codex Alimentarius Commission appear in Appendix C to this Report.

* The Delegate of Brazil reserved the position of his Government in respect of Rule IV.6 and Rule X and those parts of the Working Party's Report relating to the Rules IV.6 and X.


  1. After adopting the Revised Report of the Working Party on the Rules of Procedure and Related Matters the Commission decided to set up a Co-ordinating Committee for Europe under Rule IX.1 (b)2 which was to succeed the present European Council of the Codex Alimentarius and replace the Advisory Group for Europe established at the First Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. In accordance with Rules IX.2 and IX.5 the Commission defined the membership and terms of reference of the Co-ordinating Committee for Europe as follows:

    Membership:All Member Governments of FAO and/or WHO within the geographic area of Europe, including Israel, Turkey and the U.S.S.R.
    Terms of Reference:To advise and assist the Co-ordinator for Europe on all matters concerning the preparation of draft standards and also to carry out any of the functions entrusted to Co-ordinating Committees as set out in the Revised Report of the Working Party on the Rules of Procedure and Related Matters as adopted by the Second Session of the Joint FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission.
    Chairman:Ex officio, the Co-ordinator for Europe.


  1. The Commission at its First Session on a proposal of the European Region had unanimously appointed Professor O. Högl (Switzerland) as Co-ordinator for Europe for a period of two years with the following terms of reference for the position of Co-ordinator for Europe:

    Terms of Reference for the Co-ordinator for Europe:To advise and assist the Chairmen of the Expert Committees set up under Rule IX.1(b)1 based on countries in Europe, in their common work on food standards throughout the region.

    The Commission noted with satisfaction that Professor O. Högl (Switzerland) was prepared to take on the Chairmanship of the Co-ordinating Committee for Europe and also that, in his capacity as President of the European Council of the Codex Alimentarius, he hoped to be able to communicate in the near future to the Directors-General of FAO and WHO the European Council's acceptance of its new role.

  2. The Commission, after adopting the Revised Report of the Working Party on the Rules of Procedure and Related Matters, also came to the view that it could now accept the English text of paragraph 8 of the Report of the First Session of the Joint FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission - ALINORM 63/12.

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