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23. The Commission examined the accounts for the year ending 31 December 1965. Income during 1965 (including the carry forward from 1964) had amounted to $ 154,572. Expenditure for the year had totaled $ 105,236. The Commission noted therefore that a sum of $ 49,336 had been carried forward into 1966. The funds remaining in Trust Fund 40 were being used during 1966/67 in accordance with the recommendations of the Commission on the provision of documents, publications and related services for the Commission.

24. The Commission was informed that in addition to the above-mentioned funds in Trust Fund 40, the governing bodies of FAO and WHO had approved the following provisions in the Regular Budgets of both Organizations for the biennium 1966/67: FAO - $ 170,000 and WHO - $ 54,000. The total funds available from all sources to the Food Standards Program in the biennium 1966/67 would be approximately $ 274,000 (excluding certain mandatory increases during the biennium). The total funds for the biennium had been apportioned into two equal annual amounts of $ 137,000 in 1966 and 1967.

25. The Commission examined, in the light of the recommendations of the Executive Committee, the budgetary estimates of the Directors-General for the Program in 1968 and 1969. The Commission was informed that these estimates would be included in the draft Regular Budgets of FAO and WHO for approval by the governing bodies of the two Organizations. FAO would propose in its draft Regular Budget for the biennium 1968/69 an increase of $ 130,000 (excluding the mandatory increases relating to 1966/67) over the amount of $ 170,000 approved in the Budget for the biennium 1966/67. WHO would be including in its draft Regular Budget for the year 1968 the sum of $ 42,000 for approval by its governing body. The World Health Assembly had approved sums of $ 27,000 in 1966 and 1967 respectively. It was not yet possible for the Director-General of WHO to assess what provisions might be proposed to the governing body of WHO in respect of 1969. The total income likely to be available to the Program in 1968, subject to the approval of the governing bodies, would therefore be approximately $ 192,000 (excluding the mandatory increases in respect of 1966/ 67). The Commission compared this amount with the income available to the Program in the years 1966 and 1967 and concluded that, in spite of an overall increase of $ 55,000, there was likely to be some difficulty regarding the servicing of the Program's activities in respect of meeting facilities, interpretation, translation and printing of documents if the present rate of progress and growth of the work of the Commission and its subsidiary bodies was maintained. The Commission further noted that similar views had been expressed by the Program Committee of FAO and that the Forty-Seventh Session of the FAO Council had requested the Director-General to make adequate translation and printing facilities available to the Food Standards Program. The Commission decided that, in the light of the final decisions of the governing bodies of FAO and WHO concerning the Budgets for 1968 and 1969, it would carry out a review of the program of work of the Commission and its subsidiary bodies in order to ensure that the work load could be phased in a manner consistent with the income available to the Program. The Commission further recommended that the Director-General of FAO should consult with the Director-General of WHO to secure a better apportionment of the joint costs of the Program between the two Organizations by proposing a higher contribution from WHO in 1969 than that proposed for 1968.

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