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26. The Commission had before it Appendix A to the Report of the Ninth Session of the Executive Committee, containing the recommendations of the Executive Committee as to a provisional timetable for meetings up to and including the Fifth Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Having regard to the workload and the probable budgetary problems in 1967 and 1968 concerning the servicing of meetings and governments with documents, the relative urgency of the work of the various Codex Committees, the fact that for some Codex Committees the preparation of the necessary documentation would require more time than had been allowed for by the Committee concerned, the Executive Committee had proposed the establishment of no new Committees, the grouping of meetings according to location and similarity of subject matter, the delaying of the holding of some meetings until later in the year and the postponement of the next meeting of certain Committees until 1968. The Commission after a full discussion of the program of work of each Committee and the probable availability of working documents decided that as far as possible the revised timetable which follows paragraph 26 of this Report should be adhered to by its subsidiary bodies. (Slight readjustment has had to be made to this timetable upon information supplied by host governments.) The Commission requested that the Directors-General before agreeing to the convening of meetings of the Commission's subsidiary bodies should pay special regard to the state of preparedness of documents for the proposed sessions. As regards the next session of the Committee of Government Experts on the Code of Principles concerning Milk and Milk Products, the Directors-General were requested to advise governments of the proposed place and date of the tenth session in January 1968. As regards the next session of the Joint ECE/Codex Alimentarius Group of Experts on the Standardization of Quick Frozen Foods, the Commission considered the proposed dates in April 1967 would be too soon to hold the next meeting and that it would be desirable to arrange the next meeting later in the year. The Secretariat was requested to examine this, in conjunction with the Economic Commission for Europe and to make appropriate arrangements.


Committees and SessionsDatePlace
 April 1967 
ECE/Codex Group of Experts on Fruit Juices (4th)10–14Geneva
Codex Committee on Sugars (4th)17–21London
Codex Committee on Fats and Oils (4th)24–28London
Codex Committee on Cocoa Products and Chocolate (5th)9–12Lugano
Executive Committee (10th)15–19Rome
Codex Committee on Food Hygiene (4th)12–16Washington
Codex Committee on Processed Fruit and Vegetables (4th)19–23Washington
Codex Committee on Food Labelling26–30Ottawa
ECE/Codex Group of Experts on Frozen Foods (3rd)11–15Rome
Codex Committee on Food Additives (4th)11–16The Hague
Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues (2nd)18–23The Hague
Sub-Committee IV of Codex Committee on Meat and Meat Products (2nd)2–6Copenhagen
Codex Committee on Fish and Fishery Products (2nd)9–13Bergen
Codex Committee on General Principles (2nd)16–20Paris
Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling24–27Berlin
Codex Committee on Dietetic Foods (2nd)6–10Freiburg
Codex Committee on Meat and Meat Products (Sub-Com. I - Carcasses and Cuts) (2nd)13–14Kulmbach
Codex Committee on Meat and Meat Products (3rd)15–17Kulmbach
 January/February 1968
Committee of Government Experts on the Code of Principles concerning Milk and Milk Products (10th) Rome
Codex Alimentarius Commission (5th) Rome

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