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Books received

Andrew Brown and cypress lumbering in the old southwest, John Hebron Moore, Louisiana State University Press, 1967, xv + 180 p., illustrated, $6.00.

Der Wald, Walter Kümmerly, Kümmerly and Frey, Geographischer Verlag, Bern. 1966, 144 p.

Economics of outdoor recreation, Marion Clawson and Jack L. Knetsch, Johns Hopkins Press (published for Resources for the Future Inc.), Baltimore, 1967, 328 p., $8.50 or 68s.

Environmental quality in a growing economy. Essays from the Sixth Resources for the Future Forum, Ed. Henry Jarrett. Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore. 1966, $5.00.

Erdészeti kutatások, Erdészeti Tudományos Intézet, Közleményei (Work of the Hungarian Institute of Forest Science), Budapest, 1966, 394 p.

Forest engineering without tears, N.J. Masani, Natraj Publishers, Dehra Dun, India (second edition 1964), 434 p., $6.00 or 42s.

Forest management (second edition), Kenneth P. Davis, McGraw-Hill, New York and London, 1967, 519 p., $12.50 or 100s.

Forest trees of the Pacific slope. George B. Sudworth (reprint), Dover Publications, New York, 1967, 455 p., illustrated.

Gymnosperms: Structure and evolution, Charles Joseph Chamberlain, Dover Publications Inc., New York, 1966, 484 p., 397 figs., $2.75.

Measuring the southern forests, Edited by Thomas D. Keister, Louisiana State University Press, 1967, 184 p., $5.00.

Reflets du monde 1866-1966, Présence de Nestlé, Jean Heer, Nestlé Alimentana, Lausanne, 1966, 230 p., illustrated.

Sahara conquest, Richard St. Barbe Baker, Lutter-worth Press, London, 1966, 186 p., 8s 6d.

Tenenurile degradate si valorificarea lor pe cale forestiera (Degraded lands and their turning to good account by means of forestry in Romania), Dr. Ing. Traci and Dr. Ing. Costin, Editura Agro-Silvica, Bucharest, 1966, 275 p.

The forester's companion, N.D.G. James, Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1966, 356 p., 21s.

Trävaruexport - distributionsväqar och förbrukning. Vol. I. (The export of softwood: distribution channels and consumption) Lennart Nellbeck, Scandinavian University Books (40:-), 137 p.

Trävaruexportens - distributionsled en modell. Vol. II. (The distribution levels in softwood: a model) (42 :-), Stockholm 1967. 165 v.

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