of the
Second Group Fellowship Study Tour on Inland Fisheries Research, Management and Fish Culture in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics,
31 May – 2 July 1966
Table Of Contents



This document is Report No. TA 2443 in the series of FAO reports produced under the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). Since 1 January 1966, reports produced under the former Expanded Program of Technical Assistance (EPTA) have appeared in the UNDP(TA) series. The numbering of the reports in the UNDP(TA) series is unbroken and follows consecutively the numbering of the former EPTA series.

Since 1 January 1962, those reports which concerned FAO technical assistance in fisheries have been numbered consecutively in a subseries within the general series.

The present report is the one hundred and thirty-fifth report in the fishery subseries: FAO Fish. UNDP(TA) Rep., FR/UNDP(TA) 135.

For bibliographic purposes this document may be cited as follows:

FAO 1967 FAO/U.S.S.R. Study Tour (Group Fellowship) on Inland Fisheries Research, Management and Fish Culture, 31 May – 2 July, 1966 Moscow. Rep.FAO/UNDP(TA), (No.2443):10p.

Rome, 1967

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Table Of Contents










Following the Group Fellowship Study Tour on Inland Fisheries Research, Management and Fish Culture in the U.S.S.R. 15 July – 15 August 1965 [see Rep. FAO/EPTA, (2117) 1965] attended by participants from English and French speaking developing countries, it was decided to hold a second Study Tour on the subject in the country for the benefit of senior inland fishery officers of Spanish speaking developing countries. The Study Tour was designed to familiarize participants with the techniques of inland fishery research, management and fish culture followed in the U.S.S.R. and to establish contacts which will help in their work in their respective countries.


The program followed for the Study Tour was as follows:-

Tuesday, 31 MayMoscowArrival of participants
Wednesday, 1 June
Thursday, 2 JuneMoscowDeparture for Leningrad
Friday, 3 JuneLeningradOpening Ceremony
Lecture by N.L. Guerbilsky
Saturday, 4 JuneLeningradVisits to Ropsha Central Experimental Fish Culture Station.
Lecture by V.S. Kirpichnikov
Sunday, 5 JuneLeningradSight-seeing tour of the city
Monday, 6 JuneLeningradLecture by O.N. Bauer at Ropsha Experimental Station
Tuesday, 7 JuneLeningradLectures by V.V. Lavrovsky and G.Y. Konradt.
Wednesday, 8 JuneLeningradVisit to the Zoological Museum
Thursday, 9 JuneLeningradVisit to the State Hermitage Museum
Lecture by P.Y. Pirozhnikov
Friday, 10 JuneLeningradLectures by N.P. Lahnovitch and N.M. Nusenbaum
Saturday, 11 JuneLeningradLecture by E.V. Burmakin
Film show and discussions at the Central Hall for Lectures
Sunday, 12 JuneLeningradDeparture for Volgograd
Monday, 13 JuneVolgogradVisit to the Volgograd Hydro- electric Power Station and fish lift.
Lecture by I.I. Lapitsky
Departure for Tsymlyanskoye Reservoir
Tuesday, 14 JunePopovkaDemonstration of trawling and seine fishing in Tsymlyanskoye Reservoir. Visit to a fish Curing and Drying Yard.
Wednesday, 15 JuneVolgogradReturn to Volgograd
Thursday, 16 JuneVolgogradVisit to Volgograd Sturgeon Hatchery and Farm.
Friday, 17 JuneVolgogradDeparture for Donietsk
Saturday, 18 JuneDonietskVisit to the Don Fish Farm at Slavyansk
Sunday, 19 JuneDonietskDeparture for Chernorechnenskoye
Monday, 20 JuneChernorechnenskoyeVisits to the Black River Trout Farm
Tuesday, 21 JuneChernorechnenskoyeVisit to Rytsa Lake
Wednesday, 22 JuneChernorechnenskoyeVisit to a collective farm
Thursday, 23 JuneChernorechnenskoyeDeparture for Moscow
Friday, 24 JuneMoscowLecture by L.A. Brman
Visit to the Exhibition of Peoples' Economy's Achievement of the U.S.S.R.
Saturday, 25 JuneMoscowVisit to the Board of Ichthyology of the Moscow State University
Sunday, 26 JuneMoscowVisit to Gorky
Departure for Borok
Monday, 27 JuneBorokVisit to the Biological Institute of Inland Waters of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.
Tuesday, 28 JuneBorokVisit to Rybinsk Reservoir
Departure for Moscow
Wednesday, 29 JuneMoscowArrival in Moscow
Visit to the Kremlin Armoury
Thursday, 30 JuneMoscowLectures by P.A. Moiseev and T.V.R. Pillay
Closing Ceremony
Friday, 1 JulyMoscowDeparture of participants
Saturday, 2 July

The inaugural function held at the Peterhof Laboratory of the Biological Institute of the State University of Leningrad was attended by Prof. N.L. Guerbilsky from the Leningrad University, Prof. O.N. Bauer, Vice-Director of the State Lake and River Fisheries Institute, Leningrad, Mr. A.I. Bondua, Vice-Director of the Biological Institute of Peterhof, Mr. V.V. Leshkevitch, Director of the Study Tour and Mr. P. de la Fuente, Fishery Officer, FAO.

The Study Tour covered places of inland fishery interest in the Soviet Socialist Republics of Russia, Ukraine and Georgia. The majority of lectures were delivered at Leningrad and Moscow, but some of the lectures of the U.S.S.R. scientists were delivered during field visits. The names of lecturers and the topics they covered are listed in Appendix I. Besides these, introductory talks by local officials were arranged at all places of interest visited by the participants. Adequate time was allowed after all lectures for questions and answers. The lively discussions that ensued, in which the participants often spoke of conditions in their own home countries and their experiences in inland fishery research and management, proved of particular value.

Interpretation was provided in English, Spanish and Russian throughout the Tour. Mr. V.V. Leshkevitch, Lake and River Fisheries Institute, Leningrad, acted as the Director and Mr. E.R. Chernyakhovsky, Ministry of Fisheries, Moscow, as the Vice-Director of the Study Tour. Dr. T.V.R. Pillay, Chief, Fish Culture Section and Mr. P. de la Fuente, Fishery Officer, Marine Biology and Environment Branch of the FAO, Department of Fisheries, worked as the Co-Director and Assistant Co-Director, respectively. The detailed list of the officers of the Study Tour is given in Appendix II.

The closing ceremony took place in the auditorium of Hotel Ostankino in Moscow on 30 June with Prof. O.N. Bauer in the chair. Besides the Chairman, Mr. V.V. Leshkevitch, Director of the Study Tour and Mr. P. Gvozdëv (GKES) spoke on the occasion. Dr. P. Dubey (India) and Mr. H.L. Tandan (India) representing the participants, expressed their appreciation to FAO and the USSR authorities for arranging the Study Tour and described the ways in which they have benefitted by the lectures, discussions and field visits. The certificates of successful completion of the Study Tour were then distributed to the participants by Dr. T.V.R. Pillay (FAO).


A total of 19 participants from 15 countries, viz. Bolivia, Chile, Ethiopia, India, Iraq, Israel, Malaysia, Mexico, Philippines, Sierra Leone, Thailand, Uganda, Uruguay, Yugoslavia and Zambia attended the Study Tour. Their names and addresses are given in Appendix III


Considered as a whole the Study Tour was a success and the participants expressed general satisfaction with the arrangements. The Tour took place at a time when there were activities of interest to see in most of the institutions and centres included in the Tour. Three impressive fish farms and hatcheries, three research and teaching institutions, two reservoirs and one fish lift were visited by the participants. By further streamlining the program, it might have been possible to arrange visits to a larger number of centres of fishery interest. It could also have been of considerable benefit to study the working of some of the smaller fish farms and other inland fishery centres, as in many developing countries, at this stage, it is necessary to organize work on a small scale. This aspect deserves to be taken into account in the planning of future Study Tours.

Undoubtedly, the participants benefitted by the Tour and were greatly impressed by the organization and conduct of inland fisheries development in the country. The techniques adopted for increasing fish production from small lakes and impoundments, exploitation of large man-made lakes, methods of genetic selection and hybridization, control of fish diseases and rehabilitation of river fisheries were some of the aspects that the participants found particularly useful and applicable in their countries.


The deep appreciation of FAO is due to the Lake and River Fisheries Research Institute, Leningrad and particularly to Prof. O.N. Bauer, for all the efforts made for the success of the Study Tour. The co-operation offered by the State Committee for External Economic Relations of the Council of Ministers of the U.S.S.R. (GKES) contributed very greatly to the successful organization of the Tour. FAO would also like to records its appreciation of the services rendered by Mr. V.V. Leshkevitch and his staff, including the interpreters and particularly of the co-operation and patience exhibited by the participants.

List of Lectures

(i)The present approach to the problem of neurohormonal control of the fish sexual cycle and techniques of hormonal influence applied in fish culture.
 N.L. Guerbilsky
(ii)Pond Fish SelectionV.S. Kirpichnikov
(iii)Disease control of pond cultured fish - basic principles
 O.N. Bauer
(iv)On trout husbandry management in the U.S.S.R.V.V. Lavorvsky
(v)Introduction of plant-eating fish into the fish fauna of the European part of the U.S.S.R. and means of reproducing them. 
 A.G. Konradt
(vi)Shaping the hydrobiological conditions for large reservoirs 
 P.L. Pirozhnikov &
M.P. Mimoshnichenko
(vii)Theoretical bases for fertilizing ponds.V.P. Lahnovitch
(viii)Fish passage and fish protection facilities - biological and technical aspects.
 L.M. Nusenbaum
(ix)The chemical methods of lake rehabilitation and propagation of new fish fauna in lakes. 
 B.V. Burmakin
(x)Development of fishery and the ways of raising fish productivity of big reservoirs.
 I.I. Lapitsky
(xi)Main methods of warm water pond farming in the U.S.S.R. 
 L.A. Erman
(xii)The biological basis of reproduction of migratory fish when the river is controlled.
 F.I. Vovk
(xiii)Organization of fisheries research in the U.S.S.R.
 P.A. Moiseev
(xiv)FAO and its fisheries activities.T.V.R. Pillay

List of Officers of the Study Tour

Director:V.V. Leshkevitch
Assistant Director:E.R. Chernyakovsky
Co-Director:T.V.R. Pillay
Assistant Co-Director:P. de la Fuente
Secretary:Miss N. Warbin
Chief Interpreter:M.I. Volshansky
Interpreters (Spanish):V.S. Tripolsky
Miss L.T. Ivanova
Interpreters (English):Miss S.T. Denissova
Mrs. V.T. Torshina
Mrs. K.P. Shishkina
Miss A.A. Sazanova

List of Participants

  1. AMAN, Osman Idris

    Fisheries Officer
    Marine Fisheries Division
    Imperial Ethiopian Government

  2. AMATAYAKUL, Chertchai

    Chief, Inland Fisheries Div.
    Department of Fisheries
    Ministry of Agriculture
    Government of Thailand


    Jefe de la Seccion de
    Piscicultura de la Estanion
    Experimental “La Tamborada”
    Cochabama, Bolivia.

  4. DUBBY, Gyan Prakash

    Director of Fisheries
    Government of Madhya Pradesh
    Bhopal, India.

  5. FERGUSSON, Kenneth

    Fisheries Officer (Cadet)
    Government of Sierra Leone
    Freetown, Sierra Leone.

  6. JANKOVIC, Draga

    Scientific Assistant
    Institute for Biological Research
    Beograd, Yugoslavia.

  7. KAJGANA, Ljubomir

    Fishery Biologist
    Fish Farm,
    Nasicka Breznica, Yugoslavia.

  8. MABAYE, Aaron

    Fisheries Officer
    Dept. of Game and Fisheries
    Ministry of Land and Natural Resources
    P.O. Box Chilanga, Zambia.

  9. MAKORO, Tundura

    Fisheries Officer, Kajansi
    Experimental Station
    Department of Fisheries
    Government of Uganda

  10. MALAIKA, Issam Sadik

    Fisheries Biologist
    Dept. of Hydrobiology and Fisheries
    Ministry of Agriculture
    Baghdad, Iraq.

  11. MEAVES, Andres

    Piscicultor del Servicio
    Oceanográfico y de Pesca
    Juan Lindolfo Cuestas 1409
    Montevideo, Uruguay.

  12. MEDINA, Manuel

    Supervising Fishery Biologist
    Philippine Fisheries Commission
    Manila, Philippines.

  13. MERICAN, Abu Bakar

    Fisheries Research Officer
    Fishery Research Institute
    Glugor, Penang, Malaysia.

  14. PILLAI, Telesphore

    Manager, Brackish Water Fishery
    Ceylon Fisheries Corporation
    Galle Face, Colombo 3.

  15. SARIG, Shamuel

    Laboratory of Fish Diseases
    Ministry of Agriculture
    Nir-David, D.N.,

  16. SEVILLA, Maria Luisa

    Jefe Trabajos Piscícolas y Ostrícolas
    Nilo 65-7
    Mexico, D.F.

  17. SOTO, Silvia
    Biologa, Instituto de Fomento Pesquero
    Avenida Pedro de Valdivia 2633,
    Santiago, Chile

  18. TANDAN, Harbans

    Director of Fisheries
    Himachal Pradesh Government
    Bilaspur, India.

  19. VILA, Irma

    Biólga del Labóratorio
    Departmento de Pesca y Caza
    Ministerio de Agricultura
    Santiago, Chile.

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