The participants:
• Recognized the need for regional co-operation between countries and with the support of international organizations (such as FAO, UNECA/SRDC, WWF and IPGRI) in the field of NWFP. For this they strongly recommended the preparation of a regional project and the strengthening of networking (for example, organization of regional meetings on specific topics, such as research, processing, marketing, people's participation) and exchange experience on the uses of NWFP.
• Recognized the importance of a harmonized terminology, definition and classification of NWFP and acknowledged the efforts made by FAO on this topic.
• Noted the importance of having appropriate legislation and institutions that would support the sustainable utilization of NWFP.
• Recognized the vital role of local communities for sustainable utilization of NWFP. Therefore the participants recommended the strengthening of community-based institutions and NGO's and the encouragement of their participation in the process of decision making, to ensure fair share of benefits. When necessary, this could be achieved through appropriate incentives for the local people.
The participants:
• Noted the lack of information on the availability and potential of forest resources, including forest genetic resources, providing NWFP.
• Recommended that assessment studies for important NWFP species is undertaken.
• Encourage the undertaking of yield studies and sustainable harvest levels to accompany commercialization studies for NWFP.
• Recognized that many forest gathered ornamental, medicinal and aromatic plants are overexploited, and that appropriate cultivation and harvesting techniques of these should be encouraged within a sustainable forest management system.
• Recognized the importance of awareness raising and capacity building of all stakeholders (owners, collectors, traders, and consumers...) to promote the sustainable utilization of NWFP. This includes also increased communication and willingness to collaborate between all stakeholders.
The participants:
• Recognized the importance of added value at the local and national level and recommended the strengthening of local processing and marketing capacities. This would encourage the introduction of the NWFP to an open market system, whereby the manufactured end products only would be exported. This will encourage local industries, protect the country rights and foster employment.
• Recognized that, for internationally traded NWFP especially, quality standards for the raw materials and processed products must be ensured. Extension, information and training on quality requirements and specification should be provided to producers. This is an example of where regional co-operation and support from international organizations could be very useful.
• Recognized the importance of socio-economic studies to assess the impact of NWFP processing and commercialization on local communities, especially when NWFP used at the subsistence level reach national or international markets.