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38.    It was recognised that women are heavily involved in most aspects of aquaculture. Most member countries confirmed that women are a major component of their aquaculture labour force. For instance, in Indonesia, it was reported that 80 per cent of the people working in seaweed farming are women. Since they are involved to such great extent, there may be need for governments to provide demonstration and training courses for women. The Seafarming Project could help develop such training programmes for national implementation. Work on the involvement of women in aquaculture and data collection has been initiated. A questionnaire has been sent out to all NACA and Seafarming Project member countries, as well as non-member countries. It was agreed that the Project will continue to collect information on the number and level of involvement of women in aquaculture. A workshop in collaboration with other regional projects and national organizations may be necessary to obtain detailed data required for recommending further action aimed at improving women's involvement in aquaculture.

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