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39.    The socio-economic component has so far concentrated on the compilation of data received from the National Coordinators. Relevant country data, such as production, production values, areas in production, number of families, species, product disposition and others have been compiled and updated by participating countries, analysed and inputted into a data base. These data have also been used in various reports such as the commodity status reviews. The growing data base is proving to be useful in developing regional as well as country reviews of the status of various aspects of the seafarming subsector. It was agreed that a continued effort is important in enhancing this project component.

40.    The efforts and sustained cooperation of the governments in collecting and providing all the data were duly recognized and appreciated.

41.    To further promote seafarming, it was considered important to study the potential demand and market prospects for various aquaculture products. The Meeting took note of the recommendations made by the 7th Session of the Indo-Pacific Fishery Commission's Working Party of Experts on Aquaculture held at RAPA in August 1988 regarding the need for marketing studies. In this connection, a regional workshop on marketing was proposed. Its objectives as well as the collaborative arrangements needed to organise it will be discussed further with the member countries and other regional projects and organizations.

42.    The critical issue of fishermen losing their traditional means of livelihood because of pressures on the natural marine resources was brought up. Socio-economic studies at the national level on the opportunities in seafarming for fishermen who have lost or are likely to lose their traditional means of livehood, and the impact of seafarming on these affected fishermen were proposed to be developed and conducted. Inter-country collaboration as well as cooperation among regional and national projects concerned with seafarming will have to be established for such studies.

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