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A training programme for hatchery personnel shall be designed. During the initial phase of operation, spawners will be obtained from fishing grounds by trawlers, commercial or fishery-operated. A fishery officer boards a trawl and he is assigned the work of keeping the spawners alive until it is brought to the hatchery holding/maturation tanks. After eye-stalk ablation, the spawners are placed in maturation tanks for gonad maturation, then to the spawning tank to spawn.

It is suggested that an initial portion of area of the adjacent mangrove nearby be developed for brackishwater aquaculture ponds for prawns and finfish. Nursery and rearing ponds will be stocked with hatchery-produced fry. Spawners may later be obtained from the ponds.

Siakap (Lates calcarifer) fry will be reared in these brackishwater ponds and when about 4 inches long, will be brought to fish cages and grown to marketable size.

Hatchery management will require technicians who are skilled in brackishwater hatchery operations including the culture of live foods to feed the shrimp. They should be highly motivated and are provided the proper incentives for the meticulous work typical of hatchery duties.

Buildings will be provided for housing all the hatchery personnel. A recreation area should be reserved for various sports and other facilities. Radio/telephone communications will be made available to link the centre with Peninsular Malaysia. Fishery officers on board trawlers will be supplied with VHF radio portables so that communication is maintained between the vessel and the hatchery.

Hatchery personnel to be assigned in hatchery work should be familiar with electrical, piping, etc. They should be present during installation so that they will be familiar with the use, repair and maintenance work. The techniques of hatchery operation and management are well documented in various pamphlets and literature and these are but partially mentioned in this report.

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