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Based on topographical survey, biological data, and some social and economic aspects, the writers strongly recommended that the pilot project should be implemented outside the bund. The low pH of the surface soil inside the bund as observed indicated that the pond constructed inside the bund will consequently have problems of acidity. The pond with low pH, either due to reduction of sulfate or ferric oxide or hydroxides will yield low production. The problem though could be remedied by applying lime or by other techniques as mentioned in Section 4.1. This will inevitably increase the operation costs. Aside from increasing the operation cost, the ponds also require a considerable time before it could be operated with the maximum sustained yield. The fertility of soil outside the bund is also superior to that inside. This means that less fertilizer is required if the pond is constructed outside the bund.

In connection with social problems, land outside the bund is a forest reserved land. Acquisition of this land is easier when compared to that inside the bund lands that have been allocated to the farmers. No social problems are anticipated. The project can be implemented smoothly and quickly. By constructing perimeter dike outside the bund, the dike will also help to reduce the intrusion of seawater into the land inside the bund. This effect will gradually improve the land inside the bund to a level that farm crops can be grown successfully as envisioned in the initial proposal.

Under certain circumstances if the project has to be implemented inside the bund instead of outside the bund as suggested above, the officials concerned should be aware of problems and limiting factors of ponds constructed inside the bund. Methods to remedy the problems should be prepared not only to solve the problem per se, but its side effect towards the imbalance of pond environments in later period should also be considered.

The hatchery is also of prime importance as a source of shrimp seed for the project. It should be established as soon as the project is implemented. It can be established either within the vicinity of the project site or outside the vicinity of the project where its establishment is suitable. Based on preliminary information obtained from the survey of alternative hatchery sites, Site No. 1 (Fig. 25) in Langkawi Island is comparatively the most suitable among those three sites visited by the authors.

A decision on which site to construct the hatchery will have to be made. Hatchery at or near the pilot project site may be implemented even at a small-scale basis. The production of shrimp fry from the hatchery will not only support the work on the pilot project, but it will also be useful for support of the succeeding phases of development as planned.

Cost Estimates

DescriptionQuantity*UnitRate M$Amount M$
Site clearing & destumping21 haha1 732 6736 400 00
Excavation for canals & ponds & perimeter & secondary dikes    
Main dike & drainage canal29 767 m3m32 5074 417 50
Main canals & secondary dikes9 582m32 5023 955 00
Drainage canals & secondary dikes4 791m32 5011 977 50
Cut-off trench for main & secondary dikes7 685lin. m6 5049 952 50
Main gate1no.15 000 0015 000 00
Secondary gates2no.8 000 0016 000 00
Tertiary gates14no.1 000 0014 000 00
Pond levelling & tertiary dike7 560m32 5018 900 00
 Total for Ponds 260 602 50
Quarters & Ancilliary buildings    
Office & laboratory (1)340m2280 0078 200 00
Class “D” quarters (1)225m2200 0045 000 00
Class “F” quarters (4)720m2179 00122 400 00
Storehouse/bodega150m290 0013 500 00
Guardhouse10m280 00800 00
Field shelters4no.1 000 004 000 00
Covered working shed150m270 0010 500 00
Class “H” quarters (8)640m2140 0089 600 00
Total for quarters & ancilliary bldgs.364 000 00
Pumping Installation    
Intake channel & sump sum 10 000 00
Pumphouse sum 3 000 00
Pumps & prime movers2set10 000 0020 000 00
Electrical installation sum10 000 0010 000 00
  Total for pumping installation43 000 00
Access road2km7 000 0014 000 00
Water supply sum 25 000 00
Sewerage sum 10 000 00
Timber bridge1no. 2 500 00
Power transmission lines sum 30 000 00
 Total for services81 500 00
 GRAND TOTAL749 102 50

* Computations are not included in this report.

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