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Collection of background information, discussions and formation of work team
a. Data collection for engineering design
b. Review and evaluation                            
c. Survey by licensed surveyor                            
d. Hydrological and Hydrographic studies                            
e. Soil investigations                            
f. Planning and design                            
g. Cost estimate                            
h. Preparation of tender documents                            
i. Calling of tender                            
a. Soil sampling and analysis
b. Water quality analysis                            
c. Fish/prawn fry survey                            
SITE SELECTION                            
LAND ACQUISITION                            
Submission of Inception Report
Submission of Interim Report
Draft Final Report
Final Report



Reading (feet)
Time1 August2 August3 August4 August5 August6 August
0000     8.00
0100     6.80
0200     5.10
0300     4.00
0400     3.50
0500     3.10
0600     3.60
0800 6.507.307.407.005.80
0900 5.906.957.807.907.40
2000    5.904.20
2100    6.656.40
2200    7.607.40
2300    8.208.10

1 Partial data taken from stick gauge installed at Keluang river site. Readings obtained were during the period from 1 August to 18 September 1979. Similar data were also obtained from another stick gauge installed at Segantang Garam river site and readings were obtained during the period from 9 August to 30 September 1979.


 Date: 2 August 1979
Height differences
Standard Port: Penang0.
Secondary Port: Tanjong Dawai-

Seasonal change of MLJFMAMJJASOND
Penang       +0.1    
Tanjong Dawai         0.1    

Predicted times at Penang0022064213171845
Time differences at Tanjong Dawai-0023-0023-0023-0023
Predicted times at Tanjong Dawai2359061912541822
Predicted heights at Penang1.
Seasonal change of ML at Penang+0.1+0.1+0.1+0.1
Corrected heights at Penang1.
Interpolated height difference    
at Tanjong Dawai    
Uncorrected heights at Tanjong Dawai0.832.051.31.9
Seasonal change of ML at Tanjong Dawai0.
Predicted heights at Tanjong Dawai0.

Observed heights at proposed site----
Observed times at proposed site    

* Tidal computations were also made for the period from 3 August to 4 September; these data complement Annex B for computing tidal corrections for the site.


Given data:

Pond area - 11 pond units at 3 acres (1.214 ha.) each or 33 acres (13.35 ha.)

Pond bottom elevation - 1.4 m above chart datum

Required water level of pond (depth of water - 1.0 m (minimum)

Allow 20% loss due to water transfer

Calculation is made at intervals of one (1) hour; mean value dav is the average of the difference between pond depth and tidal level used. Refer to Table 4 and Fig. 18.

1) To - T1

dlav = 1/2 (h1-ho) = 1/2 (0.55-0.00) = 0.275 m.


Tn -represents the time of one hour indicated by the subscript, as for hour one, n = 1.
h1 -depth of tidal water entering sluice after one hour.
ho -depth of water leaving sluice assuming the pond to be dry.
Q =1.7 uBhe 1.5 × dT

Assume width of sluice B = 3.60 m (3 at 1.20 m)

u = 0.91
he = d1 = average pond depth at condition of no jet flow if d1< ⅓(h1-ho)
dT = 60×60 =3600 secs. (1 hour interval)
Q1 = 1.7 × 0.91 × 3.60 × 3600 × 0.2751.5
= 20049 × 0.2751.5
= 4 604 m3

The rate of flow Q1 of water through the sluice into the pond is 4 604 m3 per hour. This value is plotted as Q1 on the negative X-a × is (Fig 18). A perpendicular is drawn from Q1 to intersect the Q-h line and from this point of intersection, a horizontal line is drawn to intersect the y-axis at h1 = 0.025 m.

The mean velocity of flow v1 for one hour interval from To to T1 is

d1 = h1 = 0.025 m

2) T1 - T2

d2av = 1/2 (1.025 - 0.025) = 0.5 m

Av. pond depth he2 = 0.5 + 0.025 = 0.525 m

Q2 = 20 049 × 0.5251.5 = 7 626 m3/hr

QT = 7 626 + 4 604 = 12 230 m3

d2 = 0.070 m

3) T2 - T3

d3av = 1/2 (1.265 - 0.070) = 0.597 m

Av. pond depth = 0.597 + 0.070 = 0.667 m

Q3 = 20 049 × 0.6671.5 = 10 921 m3/hr

QT = 10921 + 12230 = 23151 m3

d3 = 0.125 m

4) T3 - T4

d4av = 1/2 (1.190 - 0.125) = 0.532 m

Av. pond depth = 0.532 + 0.125 = 0.657 m

Q4 = 20 049 × 0.6571.5 = 10 676 m3/hr

QT = 10 676 + 23 151 = 33 827 m3

d4 = 0.185 m

5) T4 - T5

d5av = 1/2 (0.885 - 0.185) = 0.35 m

Av. pond depth = 0.350 + 0.185 = 0.535 m

Q4 = 20 049 × 0.5351.5 = 7 845 m3/hr

QT = 7845 + 33827 = 41672 m3

d5 = 0.230 m

6) T5 - T6

d6av = 1/2 (0.550 - 0.230) = 0.160 m

Av. pond depth = 0.160 + 0.230 = 0.390 m

Q6 = 20 049 × 0.3901.5 = 4 883 m3/hr

QT = 4 883 + 41 672 = 46 555 m3

d6 = 0.262 m

7) T6 - T6, (42 min = 2520 secs = 0.7 hr)

d7av = 1/2 (0.275 - 0.262) = 0.006 m

Av. pond depth = 0.006 + 0.262 = 0.268 m

Q61 = 1.7 × 0.91 × 3.60 × 2520 × 0.2681.5 = 1936 m3/0.7 hr

QT = 1936 + 46555 = 48491 m3

d61 = 0.275 m

8) T6' - T7 (36 min = 2160 secs = 0.6 hr)

d7av = 1/2 (0.550 – 0.275) = 0.137 m

Av. pond depth = 0.137 + 0.275 = 0.412 m

Q7 = 1.7 × 0.91 × 3.60 × 2160 × 0.4121.5 = 3 186 m3/0.6 hr

QT = 3186 + 48491 = 51677 m3

d7 = 0.281 m

9) T7 - T8

d8av = 1/2 (1.025 - 0.281) = 0.372 m

1/3 (1.025 - 0.281) = 0.248 < 0.372

Av. pond depth = 0.372 + 0.281 = 0.653 m

Q8 = 20 049 × 0.6531.5 = 10 579 m3/hr

QT = 10 579 + 51 677 = 62 256 m3

d8 = 0.360 m

10) T8 - T9

d9av = 1/2 (1.265 - 0.360) = 0.452 m

Av. pond depth = 0.452 + 0.360 = 0.812 m

Q9 = 20 049 × 0.8121.5 = 14 669 m3/hr

QT = 14 669 + 62 256 = 76925 m3

d9 = 0.425 m

11) T9 - T10

d10av = 1/2 (1.190 - 0.425) = 0.382 m

Av. pond depth = 0.382 + 0.425 = 0.807

Q10 = 20 049 × 0.8071.5 = 14 534 m3/hr

QT = 14 534 + 76 925 = 91 459 m3

d10 = 0.520 m

12) T10 - T11

d11av = 1/2 (0.885 - 0.520) = 0.182 m

Av. pond depth = 0.520 + 0.182 = 0.702 m

Q11 = 20 049 × 0.7021.5 = 11 792 m3/hr

QT = 11792 + 91459 = 103251 m3

d11 = 0.585 m

13) T11 - T11' (48 min = 2880 secs = 0.8 hr)

d11'av = 1/2 (0.625 - 0.585) = 0.020 m

Av. pond depth = 0.585 + 0.020 = 0.605 m

Q11' = 1.7 × 0.91 × 3.6 × 2880 × 0.6051.5 = 7 547 m3/0.8 hr

QT = 7 547 + 103 251 = 110 798 m3

d11' = 0.625 m

14) T11' - T12 (54 min = 3240 secs = 0.9 hr)

d12 = 1/2 (1.025 - 0.625) = 0.200 m

Av. pond depth = 0.625 + 0.200 = 0.825 m

Q12 = 1.7 × 0.91 × 3.6 × 3240 × 0.8251.5 = 13 521 m3

QT = 13 521 + 110 798 = 124 319 m3

d12 = 0.700 m

15) T12 - T13

d13av = 1/2 (1.265 - 0.700) = 0.282 m

Av. pond depth = 0.700 + 0.282 = 0.982 m

Q13 = 20 049 × 0.9821.5 = 19 510 m3/hr

QT = 19510 + 124319 = 143829 m3

d13 = 0.812 m

16) T13 - T14

d14av = 1/2 (1.190 - 0.812) = 0.189 m

Av. pond depth = 0.812 + 0.189 = 1.001 m

Q14 = 20 049 × 1.0011.5 = 20 079 m3/hr

QT = 20 079 + 143 829 = 163 908 m3

d14 = 0.925 m

17) T14 - T14' (48 min = 2880 secs = 0.8 hr)

d14'av = 1/2 (1.000 - 0.925) = 0.037 m

Av. pond depth = 0.925 + 0.037 = 0.962 m

Q14' = 1.7 × 0.91 × 3.60 × 2880 × 0.9621.5 = 15 145 m3/0.8 hr

QT = 15 145 + 163 908 = 179 053 m3

The calculations show that all the ponds in the pilot development can be flooded to the required depth of 1.00 m after the third tide during high water spring through a sluiceway width of 3.60 m (3 at 1.20 m).





Rearing pond ANursery pondRearing pond B
   Dec 15 – Jan 14
(of year one) Pond preparation
 Feb 15 – Mar 14
Pond preparation
1. Jan 15 – Mar 14
Rearing postlarvae to juvenile for pond A.
1. Mar 15 – Aug 14
Rearing 1st crop
 Mar 14 – April 14
Pond preparation
  2. Apr 15 – Jun 14
Rearing postlarvae to juvenile for pond B.
 May 15 – Jun 14
Pond preparation
   Jun 15 – July 14
Pond preparation
1. Jun 15 – Nov 14
Rearing 1st crop
 Aug 15 – Sept 14
Pond preparation
3. Jul 15 – Sept 14
Rearing postlarvae to juvenile for pond A.
2.Sept 15 – Feb 14
Rearing 2nd crop
 Sept 15 – Oct 14 Pond preparation  
  4. Oct 15 – Dec 14
Rearing postlarvae to juvenile for pond B.
 Nov 15 – Dec 14
Pond preparation
    2. Dec 15 – May 14
(of year two) Rearing 2nd crop


Structures made of good quality concrete have the properties of strength, durability and water tightness.

Portland cement is used for all jobs and is delivered in paper sacks containing 94 pounds which is equal to one cubic foot. All cement at the time of use should be free from lumps that cannot be pulverized between the thumb and the forefinger. Portland cement should be stored in a dry place.

Mixing water should be clean and free from oil, alkali, or acid. Salt water should never be used or water that contains excessive quantities of sulphates. In general, water that is fit to drink is suitable for use.

Aggregates, fine and coarse should be hard, free from dirt and organic materials. Aggregates containing clay and silt particles in excess of 2% by weight should not be used.

Fine aggregates consists of natural or manufactured sand, ranging in size from 1/4 inch to material retained on 200-mesh screen. It is very important that there is good gradation from coarse to fine as this is important for quality and workability of the concrete.

Coarse aggregate may consist of gravel, crushed stone or other suitable materials larger than 1/4 inch and not larger than 1–1/2 inches in diameter. They should be sound, hard and durable.

For small amounts of concrete, the following suggested mix will produce good concrete and is very simple to batch on the job: one sack cement (1 cu. ft.) 2 cubic feet of sand, 4 cu. ft. of gravel or crushed rock and a maximum of 6 gallons of water.

Concrete having good consistency is smooth and workable and will place and finish with the minimum of effort. A slump of 3 to 4 inches as measured by the slump cone, is satisfactory for most slab and form construction.

Concrete should be mixed until it is uniform in appearance with all the ingredients uniformly distributed. The use of a concrete mixer is recommended.

Before any concrete is placed, the excavations, forms, steel reinforcement, embedded fixtures and joints should be inspected to determine that all requirements have been met. All sawdust, debris, scrap lumber should be removed from the areas to receive concrete. Form surfaces should be oiled or moistened just prior to placing the concrete. The concrete should be placed in the forms as soon as possible.

Concrete should not be allowed to drop freely more than 5 feet, to avoid segregation.

The fresh concrete should be consolidated as soon as it is deposited into the forms. Tapping, spading may be used or vibrators should be inserted vertically and allowed to penetrate into the previously placed layer.

Construction joints should be consolidated as shown on plans and they should be made straight and horizontal or vertical. Care should be exercised in bonding the newly placed concrete to that previously placed.

Forms should not be removed until the concrete has hardened adequately to prevent surface damage and sufficient strength exists to safely support any load that may be applied. Precaution should be exercised to remove the forms with the minimum amount of stress to the structure. Pry bars should not be placed against the concrete.

Concrete must be cured to increase its strength, durability and watertightness. Recommended methods are by spraying or ponding with water, covering with wet burlap, sand or by the use of membrane compounds which are painted or sprayed on concrete surfaces to prevent evaporation of water from the mix. Curing with water requires that the exposed surfaces are kept wet for the duration of the curing period, usually a minimum of 7 days.

All forms must be strong enough to contain and support the concrete while it is plastic, and to carry whatever live loads are placed on the forms. Formwork should be watertight. All form surfaces in contact with concrete should be painted with some type of oil that will prevent the concrete from sticking to the forms.

Only steel products manufactured by standard plant control procedure and meeting the design requirement should be used. Accurate positioning of the reinforcing steel within the concrete is important. The specified thickness of protective cover should be adhered to. In the case of submerged structures subjected to the action of salt water, a minimum of three inches from the face of the concrete surface to the surface of the reinforcing steel should be followed. All bends, laps, and hooks should be as required for on drawings.

The need for dewatering the structure site is important as concrete should never be placed under water unless extreme care is followed. Concrete structures should be installed on a water-free site and only on a firm surface. Various methods of dewatering vary with the conditions at the site. Pumping, diversion of the streamflow or drainage by gravity using ditches or a system of well points may be adopted. It is however best to do the construction when the site is dry and when concreting is done during low tide periods.

Cement mortar for pipe joints is mixed in the proportion of one part of Portland cement to two parts of sand and with sufficient water to produce a workable mix. External band of mortar are provided at pipe joints to increase the watertightness of the tongue and groove joint.


26 July 1979 - Kuala Lumpur

  1. Briefing meeting with Mr. Gopi Chand, UNDP Senior Programme Officer, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

  2. Meeting with Mr. Sabri bin Ahmad, Director for Project Development, Mr. Bala Rajantharen, Fishery Officer In Charge of Aquaculture and other Majuikan staff on Freshwater Aquaculture Center Project at Tanjong Tualang.

27 July 1979 - Kuala Lumpur

  1. Meeting with Mr. Wan Awang bin Wan, Deputy Director, General Department of Fisheries and Mr. Brahim Salleh, Senior Fisheries Officer (Aquaculture Extension), on Ban Merbok Project.

  2. Meeting with Engineers of the Drainage and Irrigation Department, Mr. Whoo Soo Hoch, DID Planning Head, Saw Hin Seang and Mr. Thye.

28 July 1979 - Penang

Meeting with Mr. Shaari bin Sam Abdul Latiff, Director for Research, FRI; Mr. Lam Wah Chan, Project Team Leader, Ban Merbok Project and Mr. Wong Yat Kuan, Laboratory Assistant, on Inception Report, Ban Merbok Project.

30 July 1979 - Alor Setar

  1. Briefing meeting with members of the Ban Merbok Task Force, Mr. Choy Siew Kiong, State Director of Fisheries for Kedah/ Perlis states; Mr. Lam Wah Chan, Project Leader; Mr. Wong Yat Kuan, Laboratory Assistant, Special Grade, Institut Penyelidian Perikanan, Glugor Penang; Mr. Saw Hin Seang and Mr. Liew Chook San, Engineer, DID.

31 July 1979 - Ban Merbok

  1. Meeting with all the members of Ban Merbok Task Force and field visit to the proposed site.

  2. Field visit to Tanjong Dawai of all Ban Merbok Task Force members.

  3. Field visit to the Fisheries/Majuikan Siakap Farm at Kuala Sala of all members of the Ban Merbok Task Force.

1 August 1979 - Ipoh and Tanjong Tualang

Meeting with resident staff of Majuikan at Ipoh, Mr. Toran bin Ishak and Mr. Mhd. Thani and subsequent visit to the proposed project site at Sungai Tumboh, Tanjong Tualang.

2 August 1979 - Kuala Lumpur

  1. Meeting with Majuikan Officials on Tanjong Tualang Freshwater Project and desk studies and discussions of the project proposal with Engineers of Wan Mohamed and Khoo, Engr. Khoo Choong Keow, Director; Engr. R. Santhanaraj, Associate Director.

  2. Meeting with Mr. Gopi Chand and Mr. Ho Kum Hon, Chief of Finance UNDP, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

4 August 1979 - Penang

Meeting with all Ban Merbok Project Task Force members on desk study and review of Inception Report, with Mr. Choy Siew Kiong; Mr. Lam Wah Chan; Mr. Wong Yat Kuan; and Engr. Liew Chook San.

6 August 1979 - Alor Setar

  1. Meeting with Mr. Anthony Chai Wee Siong of Jurukur Perunding Private Surveyors; and Mr. Choy Siew Kiong; and discussed on proposed topographic survey of the proposed Ban Merbok Site (outside the bund).

  2. Field visit to coastal bund areas at Kuala Sala, Kuala Kedah, and the Kuala Kedah Ice Plant with Mr. Choy Siew Kiong.

8 August 1979 - Alor Setar

Meeting with MADA (Muda Agricultural Development Authority) officials Mr. Tay Chong Sim, Director; and Mr. Choy Siew Kiong regarding coastal aquaculture sites at Kuala Kedah, Kangkong and Kuala Sala.

9 August 1979 - Sungai Petani

Meeting with the engineers of the Drainage and Irrigation Department Mr. Liew Chook San and staff; and Mr. Choy Siew Kiong and bought maps of the Ban Merbok Estuary and adjacent areas.

12 August 1979 - Alor Setar

Meeting with Engr. Liew Chook San, DID Engineer of Alor Setar, Mr. Choy Siew Kiong and a Contractor; discussed scope of work methods of construction and unit prices.

13 August 1979 - Alor Setar

Meeting with the private surveyors of the Jurukur Perunding, Mr. Barney Soon, Chief of party survey and discussed scope of survey of Ban Merbok area.

16 August 1979 - Kuala Lumpur

Meeting with Assistant Director of Fisheries Mr. Tan Cheng-Kiat Kuala Lumpur; Mr. Choy Siew Kiong, Mr. Lam Wah Chan; Engr. Saw Hin Seang, DID; Mr. Salleh Brahim; and Mr. Mazlan Josuh, on discussion of interim report, Ban Merbok Project.

18 August 1979 - Johore Bahru

Meeting with Fishery Officers, Mr. Wang, Fishery Assistant Mr. L. D. Rajamanickan, Fishery Officer and members of the Ban Merbok Task Force and subsequent visit to the Gelang Patah Farm Brackishwater Research Station, Gelang Patah.

28 August 1979 - Langkawi Island

  1. Meeting with JKR (Department of Public Works) Engr. Kong Fat and Mr. Choy Siew Kiong; regarding proposed road and water supply programmes for Langkawi Island as relative to sites surveyed for the proposed hatchery.

  2. Meeting with Mr. Syed Unam Mashri Syed Abdullah, Assistant District Officer; Mr. Johari Othman, Fishery Extension Officer, Penjabat Perikanan and Mr. Choy Siew Kiong, regarding hatchery site survey.

  3. Subsequent field visits to three (3) sites for the proposed brackishwater shrimp hatchery at Langkawi Island.

1 and 3 September 1979 - Kuala Lumpur

Meeting with Mr. Ho Kum Hon, Chief of Finance and Mrs. Ismail, Finance Officer, UNDP, Kuala Lumpur.

18 September 1979 - Alor Setar

Meeting with Mr. Lam Wah Chan, Ban Merbok Task Force Leader and Mr. Choy Siew Kiong, State Director of Fisheries for Kedah/Perlis states.

24 September 1979 - Kuala Lumpur

Meeting with Fisheries Screening Committee (18) members) regarding site selection and other related matters, Ban Merbok Project.

3 October 1979 - Penang

  1. Meeting with Project Team Leader, Mr. Lam Wah Chang, Dr. Thia Eng-Chua of School of Biological Sciences, University Sains Malaysia and Mr. Choy Siew Kiong, State Director of Fisheries for Kedah/Perlis States.

10 October 1979 - Kuala Lumpur

Meeting with Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Officers and Members of the Ban Merbok Task Force regarding site selection. Members were: Datuk Wan Sidek, Deputy Secretary General, Chairman; Mr. Osman, Officer and Chairman of Ban Merbok Development Committee; Mr. Ku Nahar, State Economic Planning Unit; Mr. Wahab Johan, Ministry of Agriculture; Mr. Osman, Ministry of Aquaculture; Mr. Sabri bin Ahmad, Project Director Majuikan; Mr. Bala Rajentharen, Deputy Director, Majuikan, Majuikan; Engr. Saw Hin Seang; DID; Engr. Yap Ai Choo, DID; Mr. Tan Cheng-Kiat, Mr. Choy Siew Kiong, State Director of Fisheries, Kedah/Perlis States and Mr. Lam Wah Chang, Ban Merbok Project Task Force, Project Leader.

23 October 1979 - Ban Merbok Site

Meeting with Dr. Herminio R. Rabanal, SCSP; Engr. Rahim Hashim, Fisheries Technology Section, Kuala Lumpur; and Mr. Wong Yat Kuan, Lab Asst. Penang Fisheries Research Center. Visited site of proposed Ban Merbok Project.

26 October 1979 - Kuala Lumpur

  1. Meeting with Tengku Ubaidillah bin Abdul Kadir, Director General, Dept. of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture; Mr. Wan Awang bin Wan Yaacob, Deputy Director-General, Dept. of Fisheries; Dean Rogelio Juliano, Director SEAFDEC; Dr. Herminio R. Rabanal, SCSP; Mr. Fred Yap, Aquaculturist, SEAFDEC; Mr. Melchor Lijauco, Aquaculturist, SEAFDEC, Dr. Ong Kah Sin, Research Biologist, Fisheries Research Center, Penang; Mr. Tan-Eng Kiat, Dept. of Fisheries.

  2. Meeting with Dr. Herminio R. Rabanal, SCSP; Mr. Choy Siew Kiong; Mr. Lam Wah Chang; Dr. Ong Kah Sin; Mr. Tan Cheng-Kiat, and Engr. Abd Rahim Hashim, regarding draft of Memorandum of Agreement for Ban Merbok Project.

29 October 1979 - Alor Setar

  1. Meeting with Mr. VLC Pietersz, Fisheries Development Adviser, FAO/SIDA in Bay of Bengal; Director Choy Siew Kiong, and Mr. Wong Yat Kuan.

  2. Subsequent field visit to Ban Merbok site.

25 JULY - 31 OCTOBER 1979

Ricardo G. Hechanova (RGH)
Banchong Tiensongrusmee (BT)

Manila - RGH 25/7/79
Jepara - BT 25/7/79
Kuala Lumpur - both25/7/7928/7/79
Pulau Penang - both28/7/7929/7/79
Alor Setar - both29/7/791/8/79
Ipoh and Tanjong Tualang1/8/791/8/79
Kuala Lumpur - both1/8/793/8/79
Pulau Penang - both3/8/794/8/79
Jepara - BT 4/8/79
Alor Setar - RGH4/8/799/8/79
Sungai Petani9/8/799/8/79
Alor Setar9/8/7915/8/79
Kuala Lumpur15/8/7918/8/79
Johore Bahru18/8/7919/8/79
Kuala Lumpur19/8/7921/8/79
Alor Setar21/8/7924/8/79
Alor Setar25/8/7928/8/79
Langkawi, Island28/8/7929/8/79
Alor Setar29/8/7930/8/79
Kuala Lumpur31/8/793/9/79
Alor Setar3/9/795/9/79
Alor Setar5/9/7911/9/79
Sungai Petani11/9/7912/9/79
Alor Setar12/9/7914/9/79
Alor Setar15/9/7919/9/79
Kuala Lumpur19/9/7927/9/79
Alor Setar27/9/793/10/79
Alor Setar3/10/798/10/79
Kuala Lumpur9/10/7913/10/79
Alor Setar13/10/7916/10/79
Kuala Lumpur16/10/7922/10/79
Alor Setar22/10/7924/10/79
Kuala Lumpur24/10/7927/10/79
Alor Setar27/10/7930/10/79
Kuala Lumpur30/10/791/11/79



SCS/74/WP/1Rabanal, H.R. The potentials of aquaculture development in the Indo-Pacific Region. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1974. 34p.
SCS/74/WP/2Crutchfield, J.A., D.A. Lawson and G.K. Moore. Malaysia-Legal and institutional aspects of fisheries development. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1974. 27p.
SCS/74/WP/3Marr, J.C. Republic of Vietnam - Legal and institutional aspects of fisheries development. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1974. 20p.
SCS/74/WP/4Larsson, S.O.R., G.C.A. Van Noort and E.O. Oswald. Malaysia - A report on artisanal fisheries of Peninsular Malaysia with particular reference to Kuala Besut. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 58p.
SCS/75/WP/5Rabanal, H.R. Irian Jaya, Indonesia - Survey of possibilities and recommendations for development of brackishwater fish production. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 27p.
SCS/75/WP/6Tussing, A.R. Fishery development perspectives. Sub-Region V: South China Sea. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. (IPFC/74/Sym/7). 23p.
SCS/75/WP/7Murdoch, W.R. and M.A. Myers. Republic of Singapore - An assessment of the Jurong Fishing Harbour complex and expansion site on the east bank of the Jurong River. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 46p.
SCS/75/WP/8Peterson, C.L., K.J. Rosenberg and A.C. Simpson. Regional - Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessels Royal Venture and Southward Ho covering voyages I and II. Dec. 1–13, 1974 and Jan. 5 - Feb. 3, 1975. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 37p.
SCS/75/WP/9Oswald, E.O. and R.E.K.D. Lee. Regional - A proposal for a live bait pole-and-line tuna fishing survey in the South China Sea and adjacent waters. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 38p.
SCS/75/WP/10Rosenberg, K.J. and A.C. Simpson. Regional - Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessels Royal Venture and Southward Ho covering voyage 3. 9 February to 26 March 1975. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 28p.
SCS/75/WP/11Peterson, C.L. Regional - Resource survey of larger pelagic fish. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 32p.
SCS/75/WP/12Rosenberg, K.J., A.C. Simpson and C.M. Renwick. Regional - Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessels Royal Venture and Southward Ho covering voyage 4. 9 April to 24 May 1975. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 36p.
SCS/75/WP/13Baum, G.A. Kuala Besut II - A supplementary report on selected socio-economic aspects and problems in a fisherman's community on the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 43p.
SCS/75/WP/14Cuerden, C. Library services for the South China Sea Fisheries Programme and its participating countries. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 48p.
SCS/75/WP/15Lawson, R.M. Malaysia - An interim report on socio-economic aspects of the development of artisanal fisheries on the East Coast of Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 29p.
SCS/75/WP/16Jamandre, T.J. and H.R. Rabanal. Engineering aspects of brackish water aquaculture in the South China Sea region. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 96p.
SCS/75/WP/17Murdoch, W.R. Malaysia - Assessment of the viability and potential of the joint venture, Majuikan Mideast Sdn Bhd, Kuching, Sarawak, as requested by Lembaga Majuikan, Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 16p. (Restricted)
SCS/75/WP/18Cleaver, W.D. Malaysia - A preliminary design and general arrangement for an offshore purse seine vessel for the East Coast of West Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 35p.
SCS/75/WP/19Pischedda, J.L. Republic of the Philippines - Legal and institutional aspects in the development of the fishing industry. Preliminary observations and identification of the main obstacles. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975 35p.
SCS/75/WP/20Simpson, A.C. Regional - Acoustic surveys of pelagic resources Report No. 1. Gulf of Thailand, July 1975. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 28p.
SCS/75/WP/21Cintas, D. and C.M. Renwick, Regional - Report of aerial survey for schooling pelagic fish. 1. Philippine waters, 12–29 June 1975. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 28p.
SCS/75/WP/22Baum, G.A. and J.A. Maynard. Tobuan/Sual, Pangasinan Province Central Luzon - A socio-economic study on a rural fishing population in Central Luzon in connection with the Municipal Fisheries Pilot Programme. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 44p.
SCS/76/WP/23Baum, G.A. and J.A. Maynard. Panigayan, Lampinigan, Baluk-Baluk and Manangal, Basilan Province. A socio-economic study on four fishermen's communities affiliated to the Basilan Fishing Association (BFA/Isabela in connection with the Municipal Fisheries Pilot Programme). Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 62p.
SCS/76/WP/24Barica, J. Nutrient-dynamics in eutrophic inland waters used for aquaculture in some countries bordering the South China Sea with particular reference to mass fish mortalities. Proposal for monitoring programmes, Philippines, Thailand and Hong Kong. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 43p.
SCS/76/WP/25Rosenberg, K.J., A.C. Simpson and J.A. Maynard. Regional - Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessels Royal Venture and Southward Ho covering voyages 5 and 6. 13 June to 10 September 1975. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 52p.
SCS/76/WP/26Moore, G.K. Malaysia - Legal and institutional aspects of fisheries development. (2nd working paper). Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 38p.
SCS/76/WP/27Wheeland, H.A. Malaysia - Preliminary observations and recommendations concerning the fisheries statistics programme of Peninsular Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 22p.
SCS/76/WP/28Maynard, J.A. Regional - Report of aerial survey for schooling pelagic fish. II. Thailand - 20 November to 1 December 1975. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 20p.
SCS/76/WP/29Baum, G.A. and J.A. Maynard. Salay, Misamis Oriental Province- A socio-economic study on the fishing population of the seven coastal barrios of Salay Municipality in connection with the Municipal Fisheries Pilot Programme. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 47p. (Country - Philippines)
SCS/76/WP/30Murdoch, W.R. Hong Kong - A preliminary feasibility study to prosecute offshore pelagic stocks from Hong Kong. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 27p.
SCS/76/WP/31Johnson, R.F. Preliminary report on aquatic pollution in the South China Sea Region. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 34p.
SCS/76/WP/32Wheeland, H.A. Preliminary observations and recommendations concerning the fisheries statistics programme of Singapore. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 21p.
SCS/76/WP/33Baum, G.A. and J.A. Maynard. Coron/Tagumpay - Busuanga Island/ Calamianes Group (Palawan Province). A socio-economic study on two rural fishing populations in northern Palawan in connection with the Municipal Fisheries Pilot Programme. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 112p.
SCS/76/WP/34Jones, R. Mesh regulations in the demersal fisheries of the South China Sea area. Regional. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 79p.
SCS/76/WP/35Simpson, A.C. and S. Chikuni. Progress report on fishing for tuna in Philippine waters by FAO chartered purse seiners. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 38p.
SCS/76/WP/36Bonga, O.B. Vessel specifications and drawings for two 10 m multipurpose fishing vessels for the small scale fisheries project - Kuala Besut. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 36p.
SCS/76/WP/37Shang, Y.C. Economics of various management techniques for pond culture of finfish. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 36p.
SCS/76/WP/38Johnson, H.N. Malaysia - A preliminary study of investment opportunities for the development of small-scale fisheries on east coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 21p.
SCS/76/WP/39Shang, Y.C. Follow-up programmes on economics of aquaculture in the South China Sea Region. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 19p.
SCS/76/WP/40Cook, H.L. Problems in shrimp culture in the South China Sea Region. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 50p.
SCS/76/WP/41Johnson, H., J. Dibbs and R. Nasoetion. Indonesia - A preliminary assessment for small-scale fisheries development in Riau, North Sumatra and West Kalimantan Provinces. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 51p.
SCS/76/WP/42Baum, G.A. and J.A. Maynard. Bayawan Municipality, Negros Oriental Province/Negros. A socio-economic study on the rural fishing population of Bayawan Municipality in connection with the Municipal Fisheries Pilot Programme. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 33p. (Country - Philippines)
SCS/76/WP/43Maynard, J.A. Philippines - Report on aerial survey for schooling pelagic fish in waters of the South China Sea and Sulu Sea adjacent to Palawan Island, 9–12 March 1976. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 17p.
SCS/76/WP/44Chakraborty, D. Fisheries statistics in the Philippines - A plan for a new and expanded data collection programme. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 70p.
SCS/76/WP/45Marr, J.C., G. Campleman and W.R. Murdoch. Thailand - An analysis of the present and recommendations for future fishery development and management policies, programmes and institutional arrangements. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 185p. (Restricted)
SCS/76/WP/46Cleaver, W. and O.B. Bonga. Thailand - Preliminary design, general arrangement and lines plans for two pelagic purseseine/midwater trawl research vessel, 27.5 m and 24 m lengths. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976.
SCS/76/WP/47Cleaver, W. Hong Kong - A preliminary design, general arrangement and specifications for a combination pelagic/demersal research vessel. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976.
SCS/76/WP/48Simpson, A.C. and W.R. Murdoch. Regional - Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessel Royal Venture - Trips Nos. 7 & 8. 1 October to February 1976. Area - Moro Gulf. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 17p.
SCS/76/WP/49Simpson, A.C.. Regional - Trip reports of chartered vessel Southward Ho - Trips 7 & 8. 11 September 1975 to March 1976. Areas - Malaysia and Thailand. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 33p.
SCS/76/WP/50Simpson, A.C.. Regional - Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessel Royal Venture and Southward Ho- Trip No. 9. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 22p.
SCS/76/WP/51Simpson, A.C.. Regional - Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessel Southward Ho - Trips 10 and 11. 15 April to 8 August 1976. Area - East, North and West Coasts Luzon Island, Bohol Sea, Sulu Sea, Moro Gulf. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 20p.
SCS/76/WP/52Simpson, A.C.. Wheeland, H.A. Statistics for fisheries development. Regional. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 11p.
SCS/76/WP/53Christy, L.C. Republic of the Philippines - Legal and institutional aspects of fisheries development. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 65p. (Restricted)
SCS/76/WP/54Maynard, J.A. Philippines - Province of Tawi-Tawi project identification and semi-detailed feasibility study relative to improving the status of small-scale fishermen and creating an integrated fishing industry in the Province of Tawi-Tawi. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 110p.
SCS/77/WP/55Oswald, E.O. & J.A. Maynard. Thailand - Proposed small-scale fisheries pilot project for Ban Ao Makam Pom, Rayong Province. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977.
SCS/77/WP/56Murdoch, W.R. & P.S. Walczak. Regional - Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessel. Southward Ho covering voyage 12. Area - waters of the Sulu Sea. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 11p.
SCS/77/WP/57Murdoch, W.R. & P.S. Walczak. Regional - Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessels Southward Ho and Royal Venture covering voyage 13. Area - mainly Moro Gulf, Philippines. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 18p.
SCS/77/WP/58Simpson, A.C., W.R. Murdoch. Regional - Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessel Southward Ho covering voyages nos. 14 and 15. Area - Moro Gulf. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 15p.
SCS/77/WP/59Murdoch, W.R. & P.S. Walczak. Regional - Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessel Southward Ho covering voyages nos. 16 and 17. Area - Waters of the Moro Gulf. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 23p.
SCS/77/WP/60Doty, M.S. Seaweed resources and their culture in the countries of the South China Sea Region. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 19p.
SCS/77/WP/61Rabanal, H.R. et al. Shellfisheries of Thailand: Background and proposal for development. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 14p.
SCS/77/WP/62Chakraborty, D. Observations and recommendations concerning the fisheries statistics programme of Hong Kong. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 14p.
SCS/77/WP/63Chakraborty, D. Observations and recommendations concerning the inland fisheries statistics programme of Thailand. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 15p.
SCS/77/WP/64Hansen, K.A., P. Lovseth and A.C. Simpson. Acoustic surveys of pelagic resources. Report No. 2. Hong Kong, Nov. 1976. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 24p.
SCS/77/WP/65Christy, L.C. Republic of the Philippines - Legal and institutional aspects of fisheries development. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 55p.
SCS/77/WP/66Murdoch, W.R. et al. A proposal for a small-scale fisheries pilot project in the Pulau Tujuh (Seven Islands) area, Riau Archipelago District, Riau Province, Indonesia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 69p.
SCS/77/WP/67Moore, G. Malaysia - A new fisheries bill. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 56p.
SCS/77/WP/68Gedney, R.H. Water supply of the fishery development centre in freshwater aquaculture at Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 20p.
SCS/78/WP/69Chan, W.L. et al. Cage culture of marine fish in East Coast Peninsular Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 66p.
SCS/78/WP/70Lee, R.E.K.D. Results of small-scale live bait pole-and-line fishing explorations for tuna in the Philippines. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 41p.
SCS/78/WP/71Moore, G. Legal and institutional aspects of fisheries management and development - a new licensing system, Thailand. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 23p. (Restricted)
SCS/78/WP/72Angeles, H.G. Preliminary fish and resources survey along the coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978.
SCS/78/WP/73De la Cruz, Y.T. Malaysia - Small-scale fishermen credit and subsidy programmes - Implementing guideline recommendations (with particular reference to the Kuala Besut Fishermen's Association). Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 50p.
SCS/78/WP/74Chikuni, S. Report on fishing for tuna in Philippine waters by FAO chartered purse seiners. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. (Published as SCS/DEV/78/18)
SCS/78/WP/75Fyson, J.E. Fishing vessel design proposals for small-scale artisanal fisheries in the Philippines. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978.
SCS/78/WP/76Lau F. and Cheng Chor Luk. Recent innovations in the cage culture activity at Kuala Besut small-scale fisheries pilot project, Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 16p.
SCS/78/WP/77Wheeland, H.A. Proposal for further development of fishery statistics programmes in developing countries with particular reference to the South China Sea region. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 6p.
SCS/78/WP/78Moore, G. Legal and institutional aspects of fisheries management and development - A second Interim Report (Thailand). Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 37p. (Restricted)
SCS/79/WP/79Jonasson G. and Paisal Katanyuwong. Review of fishing activities of the small-scale fisheries project in Kuala Besut, Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 23p.
SCS/79/WP/80Cansdale, G.S. Low-coast water filtration system. Manila, Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 73p.
SCS/79/WP/81Lisac, H. Some technical aspects of small-scale fish landing facilities. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 32p.
SCS/79/WP/82Chakraborty, D. Catch analysis of fishermen in Kuala Besut, Peninsular Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 59p.
SCS/79/WP/83Thompson, B.G. Thailand - Management of fisheries data- Feasibility of computerization. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 24p.
SCS/79/WP/84Cansdale, G.S. Report on second regional consultancy low-cost water filtration. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979.
SCS/79/WP/85New, M. Report of consultancy on the fish nutrition programme at Changi Marine Fisheries Research Centre, Primary Production Department, Singapore. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 8p.
SCS/79/WP/86Woynarovich, E. and W.W. Kuhnhold. Report of consultancy to Penang, Malaysia, regarding animal waste management problem. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 59p.
SCS/79/WP/87Thomson, D.B. Intermediate technology and alternative energy systems for small-scale fisheries. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 69p.

NOTE: Copies of these papers can be obtained by writing to the Programme in Manila, Philippines.


SCSP:74/1REPReport of the Ad Hoc Coordinating Committee Meeting of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. Manila, 18–19 June 1974. 27p.
SCSP:74/2REPReport of the first session of the Coordinating Committee of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. Jakarta, Indonesia, 6 November 1974. Rome, FAO, 1974. 22p.
SCSP:76/3REPReport of the second session of the Coordinating Committee of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. Manila, 9 April 1976. 16p.
SCSP:77/4REPReport of the third session of the Coordinating Committee of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. Manila, 24–25 February 1977. 19p.
SCSP:77/5REPReport of the fourth session of the Coordinating Committee of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. Manila, 11–12 October 1977. 21p.
SCSP:78/6REPReport of the fifth session of the Coordinating Committee of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. Manila, 11 March 1978. 16p.
SCSP:78/7REPReport of the sixth session of the Coordinating Committee of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. Manila, 28–29 September 1978.
SCSP:79/8REPReport of the seventh session of the Coordinating Committee of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. Rome, 11–16 October 1979.


SCS/GEN/74/1Report of the workshop on planning and coordinating of resources survey and evaluation in the South China Sea. 28 August to 4 September 1974. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1974. 197p.
SCS/GEN/76/2Report of the workshop on the fishery resources of the Malacca Strait. Part I. Jakarta, 29 March to 2 April 1976. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 89p.
SCS/GEN/76/3Report of workshop on legal and institutional aspects of fishery resources management and development. 5–8 April 1976. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 95p.
SCS/GEN/76/4Report on the training workshop for field enumerators of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources - Philippines. 22–31 March 1976 by D. Chakraborty and H. Wheeland. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 32p.
SCS/GEN/76/5UNDP/FAO Training Course on the management of small-scale fishery enterprises. Kuala Trengganu, Malaysia. 25 August to 26 September 1975. Rome, FAO, 1976. 14p.
SCS/GEN/77/6Report of the workshop on the fishery resources of the Malacca Strait - Part II. Jakarta, 29 March to 2 April 1976. South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 85p.
SCS/GEN/76/7Report of the BFAR/SCSP workshop on the fishery resources of the Visayan and Sibuyan area. Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines. 18–22 October 1976. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 26p.
SCS/GEN/76/8Philippines - Report seminar on the fisheries statistics survey of the Bureau of fisheries and Aquatic Resources. 23 July 1976. DNR/BFAR/SCSP, Manila, 1976. 17p.
SCS/GEN/76/9Report of the consultative group meeting on small-scale fisheries development in the South China Sea region. 13–15 December 1976. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 140p.
SCS/GEN/77/10Report on the training workshop on fisheries statistics, Malaysia, 12–21 October 1976. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 27p.
SCS/GEN/77/11Report on the BFAR/SCSP workshop on fishery resources of the Sulu Sea and Moro Gulf areas, 25–29 April 1977, Cagayan de Oro. Manila, 1977. 58p.
SCS/GEN/77/12Report of the workshop on the demersal resources, Sunda Shelf. Part I. Nov. 7–11, 1977. Penang, Malaysia. Manila South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 58p.
SCS/GEN/77/13Report of the workshop on the demersal resources, Sunda Shelf. Part II. Nov. 7–11, 1977. Penang, Malaysia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 120p.
SCS/GEN/77/14Joint SCSP/SEAFDEC workshop on aquaculture engineering (with emphasis on small-scale aquaculture projects) Vol. 1 - General Report. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. v.p.
SCS/GEN/77/15Joint SCSP/SEAFDEC workshop on aquaculture engineering (with emphasis on small-scale aquaculture projects) Vol. 2 - Technical Report. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 463p.
SCS/GEN/77/16A layout of standard tables of fishery statistics in the Philippines. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 162p.
SCS/GEN/77/17Report of the workshop on the biology and resources of mackerels (Rastrelliger spp.) and round scads (Decapterus spp.) in the South China Sea. Part I. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 70p.
SCS/GEN/78/18Report of the workshop on management of resources of the Sunda Shelf, Malacca Strait and related areas. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 14p.
SCS/GEN/78/19Report of the BFAR/SCSP workshop on the fishery resources of the Pacific Coast of the Philippines. 18–22 September 1978. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 48p.
SCS/GEN/79/20Report of the workshop on demersal and pelagic fish resources of the Java Sea. 5–9 December 1978. Semarang, Indonesia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 60p.
SCS/GEN/79/21Report of the workshop on the tuna resources of Indonesia and Philippine waters. Jakarta, 20–23 March 1979. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 35p.
SCS/GEN/79/22Report of the BFAR/SCSP workshop on the fishery resources of the north Luzon and Western Coasts of Luzon, 18–20 April 1979, Manila, Philippines. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 57p.
SCS/GEN/79/23Report on training course in fishery statistics, 2 October– 10 November 1978, Manila, Philippines. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. v.p.
SCS/GEN/79/24Report of the consultation meeting on management of tuna resources of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. 26–29 June, 1979, Manila, Philippines. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979.


SCS Manuals No. 1Handbook on field identification of fishes, crustaceans molluscs, shells, and important aquatic plants. Mnaila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 60p.


SCS/PR/74/1Woodland, A.G. Project progress report of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 July to 31 December 1974. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1974. 19p.
SCS/PR/75/2Woodland, A.G. Project progres report of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 January to 30 June 1975. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 40p.
SCS/PR/75/3Woodland, A.G. Project progress report of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 July to 31 December 1975. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 38p.
SCS/PR/76/4Woodland, A.G. Project progress report of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 January to 31 December 1976. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 47p.
SCS/PR/77/5Woodland, A.G. Project progress report of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 January to 30 June 1977. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 37p.
SCS/PR/77/66Woodland, A.G. Project progress report of the South China Sea Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 July to 31 December 1977. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 19p.
SCS/PR/78/7Woodland, A.G. Project progress report of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 January to 30 June 1978. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 12p.
SCS/PR/78/8Woodland, A.G. Project progress report of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 July to 31 December 1978. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 11p.
SCS/PR/79/9Woodland, A.G. Project progress report of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 January to 30 June 1979. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 12p.


SCS/DEV/73/1Woodland, A.G. et al. The South China Sea Fisheries: A proposal for accelerated development. Rome, FAO, 1974. 162p.
SCS/DEV/73/2Yamamoto, T. Review of marine fishery statistical system in countries bordering the South China Sea, and proposals for their improvement. Rome, FAO, 1973. 46p. (Cover title: The South China Sea Fisheries Statistical Systems)
SCS/DEV/73/3Aoyama, T. The demersal fish stocks and fisheries of the South China Sea. Rome, FAO, 1973. 80p. (Cover title: The South China Sea Fisheries Demersal Resources)
SCS/DEV/73/4Kume, S. Tuna resources in the South China Sea. Rome, FAO, 1973. 18p.
SCS/DEV/73/5Ling, S. Status, potential and development of coastal aquaculture in the countries bordering the South China Sea. Rome, FAO, 1973. 51p. (Cover title: The South China Sea Fisheries Aquaculture Development)
SCS/DEV/73/6Menasveta, D. et al. Pelagic fishery resources of the South China Sea and prospects for their development. Rome, FAO, 1973. (Cover title: The South China Sea Fisheries Pelagic Resources)
SCS/DEV/73/7Mistakidis, M.N. The crustacean resources and related fisheries in the coutnries bordering the South China Sea. (Cover title: The South China Sea Fisheries Fisheries Crustacean Resources)
SCS/DEV/73/8Ruckes, E. Fish utilization, marketing and trade in countries bordering the Sputh China Sea - status and programme proposals. Rome, FAO, 1973. 33p. (Cover title: The South China Sea Fisheries Marketing and Trade)
SCS/DEV/73/9Doucet, F.J. et al. Institutional and legal aspects affecting fishery development in selected countries bordering the South China Sea. Rome, FAO, 1973. 32p. (Cover title: The South China Sea Fisheries Institutional Legal Aspects)
SCS/DEV/76/11Development potential of selected fishery products in the regional member countries of the Asian Development Bank. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 107p. (ADB/FAO Market Studies)
SCS/DEV/76/11 (Appendix 1)Fishery country profiles. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 173p. (ADB/FAO Market Studies)
SCS/DEV/76/12The international market for shrimp. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 105p. (ADB/FAO Market Studies)
SCS/DEV/76/13The international market for tuna. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 69p. (ADB/FAO Market Studies)
SCS/DEV/76/14The international market for crab. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 49. (ADB/FAO Market Studies)
SCS/DEV/76/15The international market for lobster. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 46p. (ADB/FAO Market Studies)
SCS/DEV/76/16The international market for cephalopods. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 95p. (ADB/FAO Market Studies)
SCS/DEV/76/17The European canned fish market: Prospects for Rastrelliger spp. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 56p. (ADB/FAO Market SLudies)
SCS/DEV/78/18Chikuni, S., A.C. Simpson and W. R. Murdoch. Test fishing for tuna and small pelagic species: Reports on the operation of FAO chartered purse seiners in Philippine and South China Sea waters, 1974–1977. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. v.p.
SCS/DEV/79/19Pope, J. Stock assessment in multispecies fisheries with special reference to the trawl fishery in the Gulf of Thailand. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 106p.

FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Eastern Indian Ocean (Fishing area 57) and Western Central Pacific (Fishing area 71) Rome, FAO, 1974. 4 vols.


Rabanal, H.R. 1975 FAO activities in inland fisheries and aquaculture with particular reference to Asia and the Far East. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 17p. (Contributed to the First Fisheries Research Congress, Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research, 7–10 March 1975, Legaspi City, Philippines)

Rabanal, H.R. 1975 Preliminary report on the Macrobrachium fishery in the Indo-Pacific region. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 20p. (Contributed to the International Conference on Prawn Farming, Vung Rau, Vietnam, 31 March – 4 April 1975)

Rabanal, H.R. 1975 Distribution and occurrence of milkfish Chanos chanos (Forskal). Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 18p. (Contributed to the National Bangus Symposium. Manila, 25–26 July 1975)

Rabanal, H.R. 1976 Mangrove and their utilization for aquaculture. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 20p. (Contributed to the National Workshop on Mangrove Ecology held in Phuket, Thailand, 10–16 January 1976)

Rabanal, H.R. 1976 Report of project identification misson to Bangladesh on inland fisheries and aquaculture. Manila, Asian Development Bank. 56p.

Rabanal, H.R. 1976 Aquaculture 1976: Focus Southeast Asia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 12p. (Talk delivered at the National Convention of the Federation of Fish Producers of the Philippines, Iloilo City, 26 August 1976)

Simpson, A.C. 1976 Some proposals for research related to the understanding of mangrove ecology and the utilization of mangrove areas. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 10p. (Contributed to the National Workshop on Mangrove Ecology held in Phuket, Thailand, 10–16 January 1976)

Cook, H.L. 1976 Some aspects of shrimp culture research with particular reference to Philippine species. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 7p. (Contributed to the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research (PCARR) Fisheries Workshop, Subic, Zambales, Philippines, 15–17 January 1976)

Rabanal, H. R. 1976 The resources in inland waters: their utilization and management. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 21p. (Talk delivered before the Phi Sigma Biological Society as a contribution to the Deogracias V. Villadolid Memorial lecture series. Manila, Philippines, 26 November 1976)

Rabanal, H. R. 1977 Aquaculture in the Philippines. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 15p. (Talk delivered before the United States Peace Corps Volunteers, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines - 11 January 1977)

Rabanal, H. R. 1977 Aquaculture in Southeast Asia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 10p. (Paper contributed to the Fifth FAO/SIDA Workshop on Aquatic Pollution in relation to Protection of Living Resources. Manila, Philippines, 17–27 February 1977)

Simpson, A.C. 1977 Fisheries research and development in the Philippines: Some recommendations with special reference to resource management. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 16p.

Rabanal, H. R. 1977 Aquaculture management. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 12p. (Contribution to the BFAR/FAO-UNDP Training of Regional Trainors in Aquaculture. Lucena, Quezon, Philippines, 19 September to 27 October 1977)

Rabanal, H. R. 1977 Recent trends in aquaculture. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 13p. (Paper contributed to the Seminar/Workshop for Fishery Schools' Administrators, conducted by the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. Manila, Philippines, 24–28 October 1977)

Rabanal, H. R. 1977 Forest conservation and aquaculture develoment of mangroves. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 15p. (Paper contributed to the International Workshop on Mangrove and Estuarine Area Development for the Indo-Pacific region. 14–19 November 1977, Manila Philippines)

Rabanal, H.R. and R. O. Juliano. 1979 Aquaculture extension: How it could be a potent force in fisheries development in the ASEAN region. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. (Paper contributed to the First ASEAN Seminar/Workshop on Fisheries Extension, Manila 18–25 February 1979)

Thomson, D. B. 1979 Marine fisheries extension. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 41p. (Paper contributed to the First ASEAN Seminar/ Workshop on Fisheries Extension, Manila, 18–25 February, 1979)

Thomson, D. B. 1979 Training requirements of the fisheries of Southeast Asia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 11p. (Paper presented at the SEAFDEC Consultative Meeting on Fisheries Training, Bangkok, 14–18 May 1979)

Rabanal, H. R. 1979 Production and recent innovation in design and management in aquaculture industry in Southeast Asia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 7p. (Paper contributed to the Asian Seminar and Tour sponsored by the Bank of America, Manila, 6–9 November 1979)

Thomson, D.B. 1978 Lecture notes on fishing methods, equipment and duck layout of fishing vessels. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1978. 151p. (Paper presented at the FAO NORAD Course on Fishing Vessel Design, Bangkok, Thailand, October-November 1978)

Thomson, D.B. 1979 The challenge of 1980's for fisheries education, training and extension. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1979. 11p. (Paper presented at the First International Symposium on Fishery Education, Fish Processing and Marketing Systems. Mexico, December 1979)


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