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BARICA, J. 1976 Nutrient dynamics in eutrophic inland waters used for aquaculture. SCS/76/WP/24. 29p.

BIO-RESOURCES INTERNATIONAL, INC. 1980 Reports of activities Laguna de Bay fishery development project.

ESTRELLA, J.J. 1981 Milkfish culture in pens in Laguna de Bay. Paper presented in APDEM IV. UP Diliman, Q.C. Mimeographed, 21p.

ESTRELLA, J.J. 1981 Personal communication.

GUERRERO, R.D. 1981 Personal communication.

MANE, A.M. 1979 Cage culture of tilapia in Laguna de Bay. Technical consultation on available aquaculture technology in the Philippines, Iloilo. 4p.

MANE, A.M. 1981 Management and maintenance of fisheries in Laguna de Bay. Lecture given in training in small-scale pen culture for finfish. Sponsored by UNDP/FAO through SCSP. Mimeographed. 8p.

MERCENA, E. 1981 Cage culture of tilapia. Personal communication.

NICOLAS, E.S. and A.R. LIRERO. 1977 A socio-economic study of fishpen aquaculture in Laguna lake, Philippines. Paper presented at the second Biennial Meeting of the Agricultural Economics Society of Southeast Asia. Iloilo, Mimeographed. 15p.

PCARR. 1980 Technology: cage culture of tilapia. Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research publication. Vol. 2 No. 1. 11p.

PULLIN, R.S.V. 1981 Fish pens of Laguna de Bay, Philippines, ICLARM Newsletter. Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 11–13.

Table 1.
Combined Profitability of Fishpen and Cage Culture
Size of fishpen
No. of
per family
2.5 (w/ 2 cages)1–2 families180 000–200 00072 46436 232
5.0 (w/ 3 cages)1–3 families260 000–290 000164 38654 795
10.0 (w/ 5 cages)2–5 families350 000–420 000374 39974 880

Table 2.
Profitability of Pure Cage Culture of Tilapia Nilotica
(No Supplemental Feeding)
 ITEMModule Size (ha/cage)
2.5 ha/
50 cages
5 ha/
100 cages
10 ha/
200 cages
25 ha/
500 cages
1.Total capital investment, barriers and cages ( ) 273 504 523 056 1 011 312 2 454 649
2.Capital investment/cage ( )5 4705 2315 0574 910
3.Total production (kg)
at  10/kg ( )
84 000
884 000
168 000
1 680 000
336 000
3 360 000
840 000
8 400 000
4.Total expenses ( )365 268717 7231 416 5583 499 785
5.Total net income ( )474 732962 2701 943 4424 900 215
6.Net income/cage ( )9 4959 6321 943 4424 900 215
7.Investment and operational expense per cage,
items 2 and 4 ( )
12 77612 40012 14011 910

Table 3.
Annual Production and Sale Per Sale of Module
(After BRI Consultants Reports, 1980)
 ITEM2.5 ha.5.0 ha.10.0 ha.
1.Summer Crop      
 a) Milkfish (200 g) at  10.00/kg
b) Tilapia (150 g) at  100.00/kg
 5 400
2 880
 54 000
28 800
 10 800
4 320
 108 000
43 200
 21 600
7 200
 216 000
72 000
2.Winter Crop      
 a) Milkfish (225 g) at  13.00/kg
b) Tilapia (240 g) at  12.00/kg
6 075
4 608
78 975
55 296
12 150
6 912
157 950
82 944
24 800
11 520
322 400
138 240
 Total Milkfish11 475132 97522 950265 95045 900538 400
 Total Tilapia7 48884 09611 232126 14418 720210 240
 Total Annual Gross18 963217 07134 182392 09464 620748 640

Table 4.
Income Statement Per Module Size
(After BRI Consultants Report, 1980)
2.5 ha.5.0 ha.10.0 ha.
A.Gross Sales: 70% milkfish produce 93, 083.00 186 165.00 376 880.00
B.Less: Cost of Marketing (70%)6 024.0012 049.0024 097.00
 Fingerlings34 680.0065 520.00127 200.00
 Feeds9 000.0013 500.0022 500.00
 License1 000.002 000.004 000.00
 Harvest nets2 640.003 960.005 280.00
 Amortization57 076.0080 281.00115 552.00
 Total Expenses 110 430.00 177 320.00 298 639.00
C.Surplus (Deficit)(17 347.00)8 845.0078 241.00
A.Gross Sales:   
 Milkfish — 30% 39 892.00 79 785.00 161 520.00
 Tilapia — 100%84 096.00126 144.00210 240.00
   123 988.00 205 929.00 371 760.00
B.Less: Cost of operating and   
 Boat16 556.0022 870.0028 510.00
 Pen4 648.006 073.009 071.00
 Marketing8 198.0013 588.0024 367.00
 Contingencies4 775.007 857.0013 654.00
 Total Expenses 34 177.00 50 388.00 75 602.00
 Surplus (Deficit)89 811.00155 541.00296 158.00
 Total Net Income72 464.00164 386.00374 399.00
 Net Income Per Family 36 232.00 54 795.00 74 880.00

Table 5.
Basic Assumptions for Pure Cage Culture of Tilapia nilotica
1.Two crops per year — summer and cold months
2.Stocking density: no feeding — 20/sq.m. with feeding — 40/sq.m.
3.Supplementary feeding (fine rice bran 5% of fish biomass) 7 650 – 10 200 kg
4.Cost of feeds —  1.50/kg
5.Survival rate — 80%
6.Size of fish at harvest — 150–200 g
7.Market price —  10/kg
8.Cost of fingerlings —  0.15/pc
9.Repairs & Maintenance — 10% of cost of bamboo, nets and their installation
10.Marketing cost —  0.75/kg
11.Harvesting labour — 2 man-days/cage at  25/day
12.Fishpen permit —  400/ha/year
13.Registration fee —  10
14.Interest charges — 16%
15.5 years to pay; 1 year gross
16.Amount amortized is the loan equivalent to the initial capital investments

Table 6.
Gross Income, Expenses and Net Income
(No Feed Supplement)
50 cages (2.5)100 cages (5.0)200 cages (10)500 cages (25)
GROSS INCOME 840 000 1 680 000 3 360 000 8 400 000
Fingerlings 90 000 180 000 360 000 900 000
Labour (Harvesting)2 5005 00010 00025 000
Repairs & Maintenance27 35052 306101 131245 465
Permit1 0002 0004 00010 000
Registration Fee10101010
Amortization139 386269 837526 4501 286 680
Marketing Cost63 000126 000252 000630 000
Contingencies (13% of the    
above expenses)42 02282 570162 967402 630
TOTAL365 268717 7231 416 5583 499 785
NET INCOME474 732962 2701 943 4424 900 215
Per Cage9 4959 6239 7179 800
Per Kg5.655.735.785.83

Table 7.
Gross Income, Expenses and Net Income
(With Feed Supplement)
 50 cages (2.5)100 cages (5.0)200 cages (10)500 cages (25)
GROSS INCOME 1 680 000 3 360 000 6 720 000 16 800 000
Fingerlings 180 000 360 000 720 000 1 800 000
Labour (Harvesting)2 5005 00010 00025 000
Repairs & Maintenance27 35052 306101 302245 465
Permit1 0002 0004 00010 000
Registration Fee10101010
Amortization364 548720 1611 426 7412 187 328
Marketing Cost126 000253 000504 0001 680 000
Feeds630 0001 260 0002 520 0006 300 000
Contingencies176 983344 822687 1651 592 214
TOTAL 1 538 391 2 997 299 5 973 047 13 840 017
NET INCOME 141 609 362 701 746 953 2 959 983
Per Cage2 8323 6273 7355 920
Per Kg1.692.162.223.52

1 Does not include family labour.

Table 8.
Capital Investments in Pure Cage Culture
 Materials 34 656 49 756 70 000 113 584
 Framework 6 004 8 568 12 032 19 040
 Stitching6409121 2802 025
 Sub-total A 41 504 59 056 83 312 134 649
B.CAGES 50 100 200 500
 Materials at  4 000/cage 200 000 400 000 800 000 2 000 000
 Labour at  640/cage32 00064 000128 000320 000
 Sub-total B 232 000 464 000 928 000 2 320 000
 TOTAL (A & B) 273 504 523 056 1 011 312 2 454 649

Table 9.
Tilapia Production in Pure Cage Culture
ITEM2.5 ha
(50 cages)
5.0 ha
(100 cages)
10 ha
(200 cages)
25 ha
(500 cages)
SUMMER CROP (150 g)    
720 kg/cage36 00072 000144 000360 000
at  10/kg 360 000 720 000 1 440 000 3 600 000
COLD MONTHS CROP (200 g)    
960 kg/cage48 00096 000192 000480 000
at  10/kg 480 000 960 000 1 920 000 4 800 000
TOTAL PRODUCTION84 000168 000336 000840 000
TOTAL VALUE 840 000 1 680 000 3 360 000 8 400 000
SUMMER CROP (150 g)    
1440 kg/cage72 000144 000288 000720 000
at  10/kg 720 000 1 440 000 2 880 000 7 200 000
1960 kg/cage96 000192 000384 000980 000
at  10/kg 960 000 1 920 000 3 840 000 9 800 000
TOTAL PRODUCTION168 000336 000672 0001 700 000
TOTAL VALUE 1 680 000 3 360 000 6 720 000 17 000 000

Table 10.
Amount and Use of Loan in Pure Cage Culture
ITEM2.5 (50 cages)5.0 (100 cages)10 (200 cages)25 (500 cages)
Barriers and cages 273 504 523 056 1 011 312 2 454 649
Fingerlings90 000180 000360 000900 000
Repairs & Maintenance27 35052 306101 131245 464
Feeds630 0001 260 0002 520 0002 520 000
Total without Feeds 390 854 755 362 1 472 443 3 600 113
Total with Feeds 1 020 854 2 015 362 3 992 443 6 120 113

Table 11.
Loan Amortization Schedule (Without Feeds)
YEARUnpaid Balance
Beginning of Year
InterestPrincipalTotal Payment
 390 000 (2.5 ha - 50 cages)
1 390 00062 400-62 400
2390 00062 40076 986139 386
3313 01450 082.2489 303.76139 386
4223 710.2435 793.64103 592.36139 386
5120 117.8819 218.86120 167.14139 386
 TOTAL229 894.74390 049.26619 944
 755 000 (5.0 ha - 100 cages)
1 755 000120 800-120 800
2755 000120 800149 037269 837
3605 96396 954172 883269 837
4433 08069 293200 544269 837
5232 53637 206232 631269 837
 TOTAL445 053755 0951 200 148
 1 473 000 (10 ha - 200 cages)
1 1 473 000235 680-235 680
21 473 000235 680290 770526 450
31 182 230189 157337 293526 450
4844 937135 190391 260526 450
5453 67772 588453 862526 450
 TOTAL868 2951 473 1852 341 480
 3 600 113 (25 ha - 500 cages)
1 3 6000 113576 018-576 018
23 600 113576 018710 6621 286 680
32 889 451462 312824 3681 286 680
42 065 083330 413956 2671 286 680
51 108 816177 4111 109 2691 286 680
TOTAL2 122 1723 600 5665 722 738

Table 12.
Loan Amortization Schedule (With Feeds)
YearUnpaid Balance
Beginning of Year
InterestPrincipalTotal Payment
 1 020 000 (2.5 – 50 cages)
1 1 020 000163 200-163 200
21 020 000163 200201 348364 548
3818 652130 984233 564364 548
4585 08893 614270 934364 548
5314 15450 265314 283364 548
 TOTAL601 2631 020 1291 621 392
 2 015 000(5.0 – 100 cages)
1 2 015 000322 400-322 400
22 015 000322 400397 761720 161
31 617 239258 758461 403720 161
41 155 836184 934535 227720 161
5620 60999 297620 864720 161
 TOTAL1 187 7892 015 2553 203 044
 3 992 000(10 ha - 200 cages)
1 3 992 000638 720-638 720
23 992 000638 720788 0211 426 741
33 203 979512 637914 1041 426 741
42 289 875366 3801 060 3611 426 741
51 229 514196 7221 230 0191 426 741
 TOTAL2 353 1793 992 5056 345 684
 6 120 113 (25 ha - 500 cages)
1 6 120 113979 218-979 218
26 120 113979 2181 208 1102 187 328
34 912 003785 9201 401 4082 187 328
43 510 595560 6951 625 6332 187 328
51 884 962301 5941 885 7342 187 328
 TOTAL3 607 6456 120 8859 728 530

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