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ANNEX A.   List of participants, observers, guests and staff

ANNEX B.   List of Background Papers (BP's)

ANNEX C.   List of Contributed Papers (CP's)

ANNEX D.   Detailed Schedule of Working Party

ANNEX E.   Opening Remarks by Mr. V. Soesanto on behalf of FAO/UNDP/SCSP

ANNEX F.   Opening of the Working Party on behalf of the Directorate General of Fisheries by Mr. Soewito, Director of Resources Management, Directorate General of Fisheries

ANNEX G.   Concluding remarks on behalf of sponsor SCSP, Dr. H.R. Rabanal

ANNEX H.   Closing assessment of the Working Party by a representative of the participants, Mr. Ong Kah Sin

ANNEX I.   Closing remarks on behalf of FAO/UNDP by Mr. Keith Meecham

ANNEX J.   Closing of Working Party by representative Mr. Budi Wijarso

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