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1. Pedini, M., 1981 Penaeid shrimp culture in tropical developing countries. FAO-FIRI/C732, Fish. Circ. No. 732: v + 14pp.

2. Cook, H.L. and H.R. Rabanal (eds), 1978 Manual on pond culture of penaeid shrimp: A project of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) with the assistance of the FAO/UNDP South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. ASEAN/77/SHR/CUL3: ix + 132pp.

3. Cook, H. L., 1977 Small-scale shrimp hatchery project. SCSP-SFDC/77/AEn/ CP13: 115–135

4. Tiensongrusmee, B., 1977 Experiences and problems in the design and management of penaeid shrimp hatchery in Thailand. SCSP-SFDC/77/AEn/CP23: 137–144

5. Singholka, S., 1977 Observations on the design, construction and management of small-scale or backyard hatchery for Macrobrachium rosenbergii in Thailand. SCSP-SFDC/77/AEn/CP22: 145–148

6. Ong, K.S., F. Ong and Y.K. Wong, 1977 Experiences and problems in the design and operation of a Macrobrachium hatchery. SCSP-SFDC/77/AEn/CP32: 149–154

7. Platon, R., 1978 (Rev.) Design, operation and economics of a small-scale hatchery for larval rearing of sugpo, Penaeus monodon Fab. Extension Manual No. 1. SEAFDEC AQD: 30pp.

8. Nurdjana, M.L., 1980 et al, The small-scale backyard penaeid shrimp hatchery: Results of Jepara study. IPFC/80/SYM/EXP/31: 730–739

9. SEAFDEC 1977 Aquaculture Department, An illustrated guide on the barangay sugpo hatchery system. SEAFDEC/AQD, Aquacult. Man. Ser. No. 1: 11pp.

10. Adisukresno, S., G.L. Escritor and K. Mintardjo, 1980 Mass production of Macrobrachium post larvae in the Brackishwater Aquaculture Development Centre (BADC), Jepara, Indonesia. Bull. Brackishwater Aquacult. Centre, 6(142): 428-53

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