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H. R. Rabanal

On behalf of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, I wish to conclude with the following general remarks.

For the past five days we have deliberated many of the topics and issues relative to Small-Scale Shrimp/Prawn Hatchery status in the region. We have attempted to cover a wide range of subjects, many for which there is little information at the present time, and others for which very much is known. These are:

  1. the present status of this effort within the region;
  2. the environmental considerations, site selection, design and construction;
  3. management and operations, economics, institutions, training, research, etc.;
  4. constraints, gaps, problems;
  5. programmes for future development, training needs and research needs.

Each of the topics are complete and could be the subject for a separate working group meeting of representatives from each country within the region.

Through your many good efforts, which range from formal research papers prepared for this working party, to general comments, I believe you have provided for the region a new and higher base from which each country (as well as the many donor agencies) can step forward.

When I think back over the many years I have been in Indonesia, the word “progress” takes in a real meaning for me. I recall, for example, the Jepara station and how it was back at an early stage of development, over ten years ago.

This Working Party on the Small-Scale Shrimp/Prawn Hatcheries represents an aquaculture effort which is also at a relatively early stage of development. Your efforts, this past week, point to the direction in which we will move. Progress is difficult to measure or see, looking at it on a shortterm basis. But, no matter how difficult or slow it may seem it is real and with us, just as certain as the child who grows up and takes his or her place in society.

I am sure your contributions to this meeting will take their place in providing the ability for countries in the region to further shrimp/prawn aquaculture and provide the basis for its maturity. I hope that we will meet again, soon, and my brief remarks of today will have proven to be correct.

I wish to thank each participant from each country personally, as well as guests, for helping to make this Working Party a success. Special thanks is due to the host Government and especially to the Directorate General of Fisheries for making the arrangements and providing many of the facilities.

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