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2.1 Model basis

Construction costs were calculated for ponds of one hectare each and for the monoculture of P. monodon and L. calcarifer. These costs and the economic data following, form a basis for a first level approximation. In succeeding steps, beyond the scope of the project, the size and configuration of ideal fish farms should allow to develop a final model for use in siting studies.

2.2 P. monodon pond

The kind of pond used for costing is illustrated by Fig. 1.3, in which the only excavations are for the sheltering canal or most around the outer periphery of the pond and for the various canals. Other cost factors were developed on a preliminary basis. Unit costs in $ (M)1 are generally from current engineering estimating costs used by the Fisheries Division (English units):

P. monodon idealized 1-ha pond cost

Sheltering canal:

 =3 139 y3 
Cost=3 139 × $1.80$ 5 650
Cost=(2.4 acres) × ($600) 1.31 872
  (1.3 is a factor which allows for other clearing costs) 
Canals (judgmental)5 600
 Pumps and installation
(3 000 GPM, 10 HP)
$ 15 000
 Gates and control structures
(by comparisons)
12 000
 Roads and infrastructure7 500
 Total construction cost$ 47 622
   say$ 48 000/ha

2.3 L. calcarifer pond

The pond used for the 1 ha costing is based on the cross section for the baik Pulau site, as shown in Fig. 1.2.

Pond excavation:

Cost=23 932 × $1.80$43 061


Cost = 2.4 × $600 × 1.31 872
Canals, dikes, etc. 20% × 43 0618 600
Pumps and installation
(3 000 GPM × 10 HP)
15 000
Gates and control structures18 000
Roads and infrastructure10 000
Total construction cost$96 533
say $ 97 000/ha

1 All values presented in the report are in terms of Malaysian currency, the ringgit, whose symbol is $. At the time the report was prepared there were 2.25 ringgits to the US dollar.

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