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Chan, W.L. 1981a A summary overview of the principal problems presently confronting the cage culture of marine finfishes in the South China Sea Region. UNDP/FAO Preparatory Assistance in Seafarming project, INS/80/005/TW2: 4p.

Chan, W.L. 1981b The management of cage culture of marine finfishes and associated operational aspects for planning in the South China Sea Region, a summary case presentation for the southern Bintan Island area, Indonesia. UNDP/FAO Preparatory Assistance in Seafarming project, INS/80/005/TW3: 21p.

Chan, W.L. 1981c The problems of site selection for the culture of marine fishes in floating net cages. UNDP/FAO Preparatory Assistance in Seafarming project, INS/80/005/TW4: 3p.

Chan, W.L. 1981d Design and construction of floating net cages in the South China Sea Region. UNDP/FAO Preparatory Assistance in Seafarming project, INS/80/005/TW5: 4p.

Mubarak, H. 1981a Seaweed culture. UNDP/FAO Preparatory Assistance in Seafarming project, INS/80/005/TW1: 15p.

Mubarak, H. 1981b Possibility of seaweed culture in Aru Islands, Moluccas. UNDP/FAO Preparatory Assistance in Seafarming project, INS/80/005/TW6: 19p.

Tortell, P. 1976 A new rope for mussel farming. Aquaculture, 8(1976): 383–388. Background paper submitted to the UNDP/FAO Preparatory Assistance in Seafarming project, INS/80/005/TW7.

Tortell, P. 1977 Mussel farming prospects in the Beatrix Basin. Commercial Fishing, September 1977: 17–18. Background paper submitted to the UNDP/FAO Preparatory Assistance in Seafarming project, INS/80/005/TW8.

Tortell, P. (ms.) Non-technical constraints on the development of aquaculture in New Zealand. Background paper submitted to the UNDP/FAO Preparatory Assistance in Seafarming project, INS/80/005/TW9. 19p.

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