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The authors wish to express their gratitude to Dr. Herminio Rabanal, Aquaculture Consultant to the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme, whose guidance has been very valuable; to Dr. Gavino Trono, Jr., of Marine Science Center of the University of the Philippines and Mr. R. Pagcatipunan, consultants to the UNDP/FAO Preparatory Assistance in Seafarming project, for their contributions to the study of seaweeds and shellfishes, respectively; to Mr. Hasan Mubarak of the Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Indonesia, for his invaluable assistance as a lecturer on seaweeds in the Seafarming Training Workshop; and to Mr. V. Soesanto, Extension and Training Officer of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme for his general assistance and advice.


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