“A G.I.S. Plan for the Development of Aquaculture and Fisheries in Small Water Bodies in Zimbabwe”

Report of a Consultancy Undertaken from 13th July to 14th August, 1991
for the UNDP “Support for Rural Aquaculture Extension”

By :G.J.Meaden,For:Fisheries Department,
33 St.Stephen's Road,Food and Agricultural Organisation
Canterbury,of the United Nations,
Kent, CT2 7JD,Via delle Terme di Caracalla,
England.00100, Rome,

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Abbreviations Used

1. Summary

2. Background to the Consultancy

3. Terms of Reference and Methods of Achieving Same

4. Point 1. The Objectives of a GIS for the Fisheries Unit

5. Point 2 - Assessing the Availability and Quality of GIS Input Data

5.1. Introduction
5.2. The Availability and Quality of Mapped Data
5.3. The Availability and Quality of Existing Digital Data
5.4. The Availability and Quality of Tabular or Textual Data

6. Point 3 - The Collection and Processing Potential for Data Inputs to FU- GIS

6.1. Introduction
6.2. Potential for the Collection and Processing of Map Data
6.3. The Collection and Processing of Other Existing Digitised Data
6.4. The Collection and Processing of Tabular Data
6.5. The possibilities for Collaboration With Other AGRITEX Units

7. Point 4 - Assessing the Advantages of Adding Nutritional Data to the FU - GIS

8. Point 5 - Forecasting the Results Which a GIS Could Provide

9. Point 6 - Evaluate Alternatives for GIS Implementation

9.1. Introduction.
9.2. Using the FAO Central GIS in Rome
9.3. Contracting the GIS Work Out to a Commercial Firm
9.4. Integrating the Work With an Already Existing GIS in Zimbabwe
9.5. Integrating With a GIS in AGRITEX
9.6. Integrating a GIS in the FU of AGRITEX

10. Conclusions

11. Recommendations


1. Personnel employed at the AGRITEX Fisheries Unit

2. Main goals of the Fisheries Unit

3. People and groups consulted

4. Main reports studied and bibliography

5. Main relevant maps which are readily available

6. Availability and quality of maps for other parameters

7. Dam data sheet

8. Dam maintenance listing

9. Dam locations

10. Possible fields to enter on the “DAM DATABASE”

11. Examples of other potential Fisheries Unit databases

12. Price guidelines for PC computer, plotter, monitor and printers

Abbreviations Used

AGRITEX- Dept. of Agriculture, Technical and Extension Services.
CAD- Computer Aided Design (or Drawing).
CIDA- Canadian International Development Agency.
CSO- Central Statistical Office.
CTA- Chief Technical Adviser.
DNR- Dept. of Natural Resources.
DSG- Dept. of Surveyor-General.
FAO- Food and Agricultural Organisation (of the United Nations).
FU- Fisheries Unit.
GIS- Geographical Information Systems.
IBM- International Business Machines.
MEWRD- Ministry of Energy and Water Resources Development.
MNR- Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism.
MOH- Ministry of Health.
NRSF- National Remote Sensing Facility.
PC- Personal Computer.
TOR- Terms of Reference.
UNDP- United Nations Development Programme.
UTM- Universal Transverse Mercator.