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Andreu, B., 1969 The importance and possibilities of mussel culture. In Proc. Internat. Sem, Possibilities Prob. Fish. Dev. SEA, Berlin, 10–30 Sept. 1968, K. Tiews (Ed.): 364–75

Aubray, R. and A.P. 1974 Isarankura, The fisheries of Thailand, including a review of the economics of the country. Dept. Fish. Thailand, 1974: 53 p.

Chen, F.Y. 1977 Preliminary observations of mussel culture in Singapore. First ASEAN Meet. Exp. Aquacult., Tech. Rep., ASEAN77/FA. EgA/Rpt.2: 73–80

Department of Fisheries, 1973 Fisheries record, Thailand, 1973. Dept. Fish., Min. Agric. Coop., Thailand: 43 p.

Department of Fisheries, 1976 National plan for aquaculture development. Dept. Fish., Min. Agric. Coop., Thailand

Figueras, A., 1976 Desarrollo actual del cultivo del mejillon (Mytilus edulis L,) y posibilidades de expansion. FAO Tech. Conf. Aquacult., FIR:AQ/Conf./76/R.7: 20 p.

Furfari, S.A., 1976 Shellfish purification: A review of current technology. FAO Tech. Conf. Aquacult., FIR:AQ/Conf/76/R.11: 16 p.

Furukawa, A., 1976 The aquaculture industry in Japan - its present and future. FAO Tech. Conf. Aquacult., FIR:AQ/Conf/76/E.71: 9 p.

Glude, J.B., 1976 Oyster culture - a world review. FAO Tech. Conf. Aquacult., FIR:AQ/Conf/76/R.16: 11 p.

Indrambarya, B. and N. Sriplang, 1976 Distribution of littoral mudflats interpreted from the earth resources technology satellite imagery and their correlation with mangrove areas. Nat. Workshop Mangrove Ecology, Thailand, Phuket, 10–16 Jan. 1976: 4 p.

Kamara, A.B., K. McNeil and D.B. Quayle, 1976 Tropical mangrove oyster culture: problems and prospects. FAO Tech. Conf. Aquacult., FIR:AQ/ Conf/76/E.58: 6 p.

Koganezawa, A., 1976 The status of Pacific oyster culture in Japan. FAO Tech. Conf. Aquacult., FIR:AQ/Conf/76/E.69: 9 p.

Korringa, P., 1976 Economic aspects of mussel farming. FAO Tech. Conf. Aquacult., FIR:AQ/Conf/76/R.3: 14 p.

Pathansali, D., 1977 The culture of cockles and other molluscs in the coastal waters of Malaysia. First ASEAN Meet. Exp. Aquacult., Tech. Rep., ASEAN77/FA.EgA/Rpt.2: 149–155

Pillay, T.V.R., 1976 The state of aquaculture 1975. FAO Tech. Conf. Aquacult., FIR:AQ/Conf/76/R.36: 13 p.

Rabanal, H.R., 1976 Mangroves and their utilization for aquaculture. Nat. Workshop Mangrove Ecology, Thailand, Phuket, 10–16 Jan 1976: 11 p.

Vibulsreth, S. and C. Kietruangroj, 1976 Distribution of mangrove forest as revealed by the earth resources technology satellite (ERTS-1) imagery. Nat. Workshop Mangrove Ecology, Thailand, Phuket, 10–16 Jan. 1976 (In Thai with English abstract)

Anonymous, 1956 A general account on the fisheries of Thailand. Niyomkij. Niyomkij Press Rong Muang, Thailand: 52 p.

Anonymous, 1976 Development and management of resources of coastal areas of Thailand. Contrib. Thailand Nat. Delegate, UN Inter-reg. Sem. Dev. Mgt. Res. Coastal Areas, Berlin, Fed. Rep. Germany, 31 May–5 June 1976: 11 p.

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