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Table 1. Shellfish Production in Thailand, 1957–1975
YearAmount (tons)Source of information
195759 900Fisheries Record of Thailand, 1964
195850 600Fisheries Record of Thailand, 1964
195953 210Fisheries Record of Thailand, 1964
196052 814Fisheries Record of Thailand, 1964
196186 963Fisheries Record of Thailand, 1964
196282 241Fisheries Record of Thailand, 1964, 1969
196372 411Fisheries Record of Thailand, 1964, 1969
196470 030Fisheries Record of Thailand, 1964, 1969
196566 939Fisheries Record of Thailand, 1969, 1972
196696 808Fisheries Record of Thailand, 1969, 1972
196786 063Fisheries Record of Thailand, 1969, 1972
1968112 164Fisheries Record of Thailand, 1969, 1972
1969139 860Fisheries Record of Thailand, 1969, 1972
1970207 987Fisheries Record of Thailand, 1972, 1973
1971292 805Thailand National Delegate, Development and management of resources of coastal areas of Thailand. UN Inter-reg. Sem. Dev. Mgt. Res. Coastal Areas, Berlin, Fed. Rep. Germany, 31 May – 5 June 1976
1972119 113Thailand National Delegate, Development and management of resources of coastal areas of Thailand. UN Inter-reg. Sem. Dev. Mgt. Res. Coastal Areas, Berlin, Fed. Rep. Germany, 31 May – 5 June 1976
197361 214Thailand National Delegate, Development and management of resources of coastal areas of Thailand. UN Inter-reg. Sem. Dev. Mgt. Res. Coastal Areas, Berlin, Fed. Rep. Germany, 31 May – 5 June 1976
197452 112Thailand National Delegate, Development and management of resources of coastal areas of Thailand. UN Inter-reg. Sem. Dev. Mgt. Res. Coastal Areas, Berlin, Fed. Rep. Germany, 31 May – 5 June 1976
1975108 481Statistics Section, Department of Fisheries, Thailand (1976)

Table 2. Production of Shellfish in Thailand from Natural Waters and through Culture (1971–1975)
Items1971 (ton)1972 (ton)1973 (ton)1974 (ton)1975 (ton)Wild* (%)Cultured* (%)Amount cultured* (ton)Area of culture* (ha)Unit production* (ton/ha)
(Anadara granosa)
12 5824 6905 1853 1316 24720804 997.6563.58.9
Green mussel
(Mytilus smaragdinus)
214 59371 05310 95813 47346 964109042 267.61 070.039.5
(Crassostrea commercialis)
2 8324 1654 9024 3985 45720804 365.6326.713.4
Horse mussel
(Modiolus senhausenii)
39 13916 19416 70812 88729 91375257 478.3184.040.6
Carpet shell
(Paphia undulata)
6 40614 09517 95013 80614 4951000---
(Pholas, Donax,
Mactra, Placuna,
17 2538 9165 5114 4175 4051000---
Total292 805119 11361 21452 112108 481  59 109.12 144.2 

* Based on 1975 production data

Table 3. Production of Shellfish in Thailand, by Province (tons), 1971–1974
Chachoengsao8 2729 531700814
Chanthaburi5172 4162 9801 404
Cholburi50 58913 23215 56021 215
Petchaburi29 92030 6785 8205 213
Phuket-1 028972630
Prachuap Khirikhan8248 63011
Samut Prakharn26 71719 29910 3403 060
Samut Sakhorn79 59412 9894 3509 129
Samut Songkhram64 29314 7684 3303 408
Satul---1 000
Surat Thani7 6801 734-178
Trat4 0632 939--
Others21 1399 5586 5225 026
Total292 805119 11361 21452 112

Table 4. Number and Area of Shellfish Farms in Thailand, 1973–1975
No.Area (ha)No.Area (ha)No.Area (ha)Area (ha)
Green mussel6373.098103.52471 070.42 626
Horse mussel365116.8364116.8575184.0300
Oyster820227.5607227.2674326.71 430
Total1 402882.41 206860.31 5962 144.64 856

* No record available for number of farms in 1976

Table 5. Production of Green Mussel, by Province (tons) 1971–1974
Chachoengsao7 7605 887630814
Cholburi37 6327 8362 3603 776
Petchaburi18 48028 1603 7904 437
Samut Prakharn19 4567 563740720
Samut Sakhorn61 7927 632750525
Samut Songkhram63 79812 8862 4402 690
Others5 67589248429
Total214 59371 05310 95813 473

Table 6. Production of Horse Mussel by Province (tons) 1971–1974
Chachoengsao4703 36870-
Cholburi10 6634 4559 21012 705
Samut Prakharn7 2616 9127 000-
Samut Sakhorn13 065---
Samut Songkhram-19--
Surat Thani7 6801 440 142
Total39 13918 19416 70812 887

Table 7. Production of Cockle, by Province (tons) 1971–1974
Petchaburi7 3321 3242 030776
Samut Sakhorn2 802122--
Samut Songkhram2851 2601 890718
Satul---1 000
Surat Thani-288--
Others2 121553330110
Total12 5814 6905 1853 131

Table 8. Production of Oyster, by Province (tons) 1971–1974
Chanthaburi5172 4162 9801 404
Cholburi2 2949411 1102 142
Prachuap Khirikhan8243011
Surat Thani-6 36
Total2 8324 1654 9024 398

Table 9. Extent and Potential of Shellfish Areas in Thailand, 19761
ProvinceAREA CULTIVATED (HA)POTENTIAL AREAS AVAILABLE FOR DEVELOPMENT (HA)Grand total of available areas (11) (5 + 10)
Green mussel (1)Horse mussel (2)Cockle (3)Oyster (4)Total (5)Green mussel (6)Horse mussel (7)Cockle (8)Oyster (9)Total (10)
South China Sea Area           
1. Trat6--2002069 594-5006 30016 39416 600
2. Chanthaburi---8008004 000-2 0001 2007 2008 000
3. Bayong-300------1 0001 0001 000
4. Cholburi500--2001 000100--1001001 100
5. Chachoengsao700---700100200200-5001 200
6. Samut Prakharn200---2002 500200500-3 2003 400
7. Bangkok-----300100--400400
8. Samut Sakhorn500---5001 5008001 000 3 3003 800
9. Samut Songkhram500---5001 500300300-2 1002 600
10. Petchaburi200-200-4002 000--1002 1002 500
11. Prachuap Khirikhan---1010---100100110
12. Chumporn20--3050500-200150850900
13. Surat Thani---50503 5002001 0002504 9505 000
14. Nakhornsrithamaraj-----1 0003005003002 1002 100
15. Songkhla---1010---9090100
16. Pattani---3030---400400430
17. Narathiwat--------500500500
Andaman Sea Area           
18. Ranong---1001003 0005002 0005006 0006 100
19. Pangnga-----5 0002 0002 0001 00010 00010 000
20. Krabi--------200200200
21. Trang-----400-1005001 0001 000
22. Satul--300-300--1 0005001 5001 800
T o t a l2 6263005001 4304 85634 9944 60011 30013 19063 98468 840

1 Based on recent field surveys by staff of the Department of Fisheries

Table 10. Present and Potential Production of Cultivable Shellfish in Thailand*
SpeciesArea in production (ha)Unit production (ton/ha)Total production (ton/year)Area available (ha)Estimated total production** (ton/year)
Mussel2 62639.5103 72734 9941 382 263
Horse mussel30040.612 1804 600186 760
Ark shell (cockle)5008.94 45011 300100 570
Oyster1 43013.419 16213 190176 746
Total4 856 139 51964 0841 741 357

* Based on estimates by the Brackishwater Fisheries Division, Department of Fisheries, 1970.

** Based on present rates of production; another alternativefor increasing production is by improvement of techniques, those possibilities were not considered in the above calculations.

Table 11. Comparative Production of Shellfish from Different Countries
Total production per annum (t)Yield/ ha/annum (t)Total production per annum (t)Yield/ ha/annum (t)Total production per annum (t)Yield/ ha/annum (t)Total production per annum (t)Yield/ ha/annum (t)
Australia      9 200 Pillay, 1976
France51 00060    71 4481.7 &Chen, 1977 for mussel
        7.5Pillay, 1976 for oyster
Italy30 000       Pillay, 1976
Japan      229 899 Pillay, 1976
Korea, Rep. of5 578   733 56 008 Pillay, 1976
Malaysia    28 00020  Pathansali, 1977
Netherlands102 00060    1 500 Chen, 1977 for mussel
         Pillay, 1976 for oyster
New Zealand150     700 Pillay, 1976
Philippines-250  11 782 Chen, 1977 for mussel
         Pillay, 1976 for oyster
Singapore-2 400*      Chen, 1977
Spain224 000600    2 289 Chen, 1977 for mussel
         Pillay, 1976 for oyster
Thailand47 0004030 000806 000105 50015Brackishwater Fisheries
         Div., Dept. of Fisheries
         Thailand (1977)
United Kingdom      3 000 Pillay, 1976
U.S.A.      129 060 Pillay, 1976

* Results of experiments

NOTE: The amount of data available is very limited

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