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5.1 Fisheries potential of Irian Jaya

At the present time, Irian Jaya contributes a minor percentage of the overall fish production of Indonesia but it is noted that this province has high potential for increased production in fisheries. While offshore commercial fisheries for skipjack and shrimp fishing has been initiated, the development of inshore coastal fisheries and inland fisheries including aquaculture are still poorly developed. This report puts into focus some of the aspects of development in these latter sectors.

5.2 Need for infrastructure facilities specially cold storage

This duty trip of the Programme Adviser specifically for the IJJDF was to look into the possibilities of improving coastal fish production particularly shrimp culture in the southern coast of the province. It was observed during the visit that there is an existing fishery using traditional fishing methods for shrimp in this area. However, there is great lack of the needed infra-structures for this development, such as cold storage and processing facilities, transport and handling facilities and market outlets. Of particular importance is the need for cold storage facilities. The local fishery officials estimate that even with present artisanal fishing methods, the shrimp and fish catch for selected species could easily be doubled if these facilities are made available. It is recommended that IJJDF pursue its plan to establish cold storage plants in the fishing areas of the south coast if the Government is not in a position to establish them.

5.3 Improvement of artisanal fishing techniques

Most of the entire coastline of the southern coast of Irian Jaya is composed of suitable fishing grounds for a number of desirable species including shrimps and finfish. The present methods of fishing are traditional, small-scale and unmechanized. With slight mechanization and improvement of gear and even maintaining the artisanal nature of this fishery, it is estimated that the production may be increased even up to 10 times present level. It is therefore recommended that a suitable consultant for the improvement of inshore artisanal fishing techniques be provided through IJJDF. Representations through appropriate channels may be made with existing UNDP/FAO-assisted fishery projects in the country if it could be possible that expertise in this line can be made available from these projects otherwise outside consultants should be hired.

5.4 Entrepreneurship for artisanal inshore fishing

This is beginning to be organized and will increase to be available in the future. In the Merauke area, a fishermen's cooperative has been formed with 5 sub-units and membership of 300 fishermen with very modest capitalization. Some assistance in training and acquisition of fishing supplies are being given by the local fishery office. However, this cooperative entrepreneur resource needs technical assistance to upgrade their fishing methods and provide them with the handling facilities for their catch. It is recommended that assistance to this fishing cooperative be provided.

5.5 Finding market outlets

The local market for the increased production is limited, therefore, hand in hand with the technical assistance in the improvement of fishing methods and the establishment of cold storage facilities, assistance in the search for market outlets should also be afforded. The local market outlets in other populous centres such as in Jayapura and the mining centre in Freeport Indonesia should be tapped. Likewise, the possibility of external markets including that of Papua New Guinea and Australia have been suggested by the local fishery office and should also be looked into.

5.6 Development of coastal aquaculture

In the case of aquaculture, it is estimated that there are about half a million hectares of swamplands in the province of which possibly 10–30 percent may be suitable for development into fishponds. There is lack of entrepreneurs for this sector but because of its high potential, IJJDF may wish to start development in this field by taking the initiative in the establishment of commercial extensive type fishpond. If the Foundation decides to pursue this development, it should avail itself of a team of consultants composed of an aquaculturist, an engineer and an economist/marketing specialist who will finalize the selection of the site, plan the pond layout and construction specifications, and programme management operations including the necessary budgetary requirements for this project. Such a project could subsequently be subdivided into family lots of 5 to 10 hectares each which can be sold on easy payment terms to interested local families or transmigrated families from the populous areas of the country.

5.7 Resource evaluation survey of fishery resources of high economic value

There are other aspects of fisheries development that have good prospects in the province and particularly in the south coast. Besides the shrimp fisheries, the other valuable resources from this area include the sea bass or barramundi, Lates calcarifer; the giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium sp.; milkfish, Chanos chanos; eel, Anguilla australis and crocodiles. All these resources have good investment prospects and of high market value. A consultancy for the survey and evaluation of each of these resources for the province will be highly useful and it is therefore recommended that IJJDF underwrite these consultancies so that it would have the basic information in case loan applications on them are brought to its attention.

5.8 Development of inland fisheries

The development of inland fisheries has been initiated by the government fishery office with the assistance of FUNDWI Inland Fisheries Project (1969–1971). This has led to the increase of fish hatcheries as well as the production of fish seedling from them. It has also resulted in the establishment of a number of private fishponds. Some of the lakes such as Lake Sentani have been improved through the introduction of exotic species like the common carp. Undoubtedly, the overall production from these waters has increased but the local fishery officials report that in the case of Lake Sentani, there seems to be an unbalanced fish population as shown by the predominance of predatory species. This situation can be improved by stocking with species already available in the country such as milkfish fingerlings to find out if a balanced population can result in these lakes. As a contribution to local food supply and community development, it is suggested that the IJJDF support this project.

5.9 New project idea to develop artisanal coastal fishing and aquaculture

As part of the national programme and also of the regional development activities, representations should be made to accommodate external assistance project to initiate the development of artisanal coastal fishing and aquaculture in the southern coast of Irian Jaya. This is an alternative in the event that it will not be possible for IJJDF to support a pilot development activity in this area. A brief statement of this project idea including its budgetary requirements are enumerated in APPENDIX 2, for the attention of the Provincial Fishery Office, the Directorate General of Fisheries and the National Planning Office.

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