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1. Chua Chia-Eng and Teng Seng Keh, Floating Fishpens for Rearing Fishes in Coastal Waters, Reservoirs and Mining Pools in Malaysia, Fisheries Bulletin No. 20, Ministry of Agriculture Malaysia, 1977.

2. Lembaga Kemajuan Ikan Malaysia, Techniques of Rearing Marine Finfish in floating Net Cage, Institutional Support for Majuikan Aquaculture Development Project.

3. Lembaga Kemajuan Ikan Malaysia, Identification of Sites in Peninsular Malaysia and Sarawak for Coastal Aquaculture Development (Main Report), Kuala Lumpur, January, 1983.

4. Lembaga Kemajuan Ikan Malaysia, An Evaluation of the Performance of the Sungai Merbok Floating Cage Culture Project, July, 1984 (unpublished).

5. Ministry of Agriculture Malaysia, Study for Aquaculture Development for Western Johore, Malacca and Balik Pulau/Seberang Prai Integrated Agricultural Development Projects (Final Report), Volume IA, The Concept Plan (text), 1981.

6. United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation. Institutional Support for LKIM Aquaculture Development Programme in Malaysia: Project Findings and Recommendations, FI:DP/MAL/79/018, 1984.

7. United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation, Malaysia: Coastal Aquaculture Development, FI:DP/MAL/77/008, Rome, 1984.

8. Soesanto, V., Manual on Brackish Water Fish Culture Using Floating Cages in Malaysia, Besut Integrated Fisheries Development Project, Malaysia, FI:GCP/MAL/009/CAN, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation, Besut, Terengganu, Malaysia, 1984.

9. Yolanda T. De La Cruz, Report on Fisheries Credit, Besut Integrated Fisheries Development Project, Malaysia, FI:GCP/MAL/009/CAN, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation, Besut, Terengganu, Malaysia, 1984.

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