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The importance of management of the natural seaweed grounds was discussed with the prospective farmers and local officials in the project area. This was initially done in orientation/consultation seminar organized from 12–13 December 1991. A discussion paper was prepared for this purpose which was distributed to the project staffs and the fishermen and local officials who participated in this activity (Annex 1).

It was emphasized in the orientation/consultation that management of natural seaweed grounds is necessary to sustain the productivity of the resource. As the demand for the seaweeds increases, the intensity of collection of the wild stocks also increases. In order that the local fishermen would continue to enjoy the cash benefits from harvesting of the seaweeds, they should exercise certain conservation measures through group efforts. The community should agree on frequency of harvesting, quantity of harvests and methods of collection. These are issues which could be discussed among themselves in consultation with local officials. The project could provide technical assistance to the local governments concerned in the formulation of resource use and allocation system in order to effect the socio-economic improvement of the small scale fishermen in the project area.

Farming of seaweeds is one form of management. To better understand the benefits of farming, video tapes on seaweed farming (Eucheuma) were shown during the orientation/consultation seminar.

In the open forum which ensued during the seminar orientation/consultation, it was emphasized also that fishermen cooperatives could play a major role in the management of coastal resources including seaweeds. Fishermen cooperatives as their community framework would enable them to put their resources together to strengthen their capability in accessing financial and technical assistance. As cooperative, they can engage in marketing and processing of their products and benefit from the value added component of the raw materials they produce. They will not be at the mercy of brokers and middlemen in the marketing of their crops.

As an initial step towards seaweed resource management, it was suggested that each municipality allocate a hectare of seaweed bed to serve as training ground for periodic harvesting and monitoring of the productivity of seaweed species in the area. This will provide ecological information on the growth parameters affecting seaweed production. The technique of harvesting could also be demonstrated in this area. The management of this reserved area should be assigned to the cooperative which will be guided by the project.

The Project should initiate the request to the local government officials concerned to carry out the seaweed resource management programme which will run parallel to the farming demonstrations.

Likewise, the Project should determine the extent of suitable areas for development of seaweed farming in the project area.

The seminar orientation/consultation was considered successful in that the fishermen participants expressed enthusiasm in engaging in seaweed farming. On the other hand, the local officials also expressed their full support to the project. They look forward to the assistance with the Project could provide in order to enable them formulate rational resource management rules and regulations in their respective areas of jurisdiction. It was reiterated by this Consultant that it would be beneficial to the local government and their constituents if they would implement uniform system of resource management policies.

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