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6.1 As a consequence of the approval of the Local Autonomy Code in which local governments are given direct responsibility for the management of their respective coastal resources within the 15 km zone from the shoreline, it is imperative that a uniform resource use and allocation system be established in order to benefit the coastal fishermen, particularly the seaweed farmers.

6.2 As an initial step towards this direction, the Project should organize a study tour of local government officials concerned in the project area and selected fishermen cooperative members to observe coastal resource management and the role played by fishery cooperatives. This would provide ideas to local officials and fishermen leaders on how best they could manage and develop their coastal resources, including seaweeds. At present there is no system of resource use and allocation of coastal fishery resources at local level.

6.3 While demonstration of seaweed farming is underway, it is necessary that the project initiate organization of fishermen cooperatives particularly those who have shown interest in seaweed farming. In this way, they could immediately be recipients of seedstocks from the demonstration farm and also receive training on farming, cooperative management and marketing.

6.4 Community organizing should be initiated and followed up in Bagacay and Mapapac, Barcelona. This would provide the community framework to sustain the benefits emanating from the project demonstration activities.

6.5 The socio-economic survey of other municipalities not covered in the earlier survey should be completed.

6.6 A close monitoring of the demonstration farms should be carried out by the project staffs to obtain information for the expansion of seaweed farming development in the project areas.

6.7 The project should undertake a mapping survey of feasible seaweed farming areas to determine the extent of available seaweed grounds within the project area for the information of the local government. This information would be useful in the allocation of resources to seaweed farmer cooperatives.

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