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Allen, G.R. (1991) Field guide to the freshwater fishes of New Guinea. Publication No. 9 of the Christensen Research Institute, Papua New Guinea. 268 p.

Baxter, A.; Vallis, S. and Quinlan, P. (1991) A summary of trout management group fish population surveys, 1990. Fisheries Management Report No.36. Fisheries Management Division. Victoria, Australia. 13 p.

Bell-Cross, G. and Minshull, J.L. (1998) The fishes of Zimbabwe. Published by: National Museums and Monuments of Zimbabwe. 294 p.

Cadwallader, P. (1991) Report on trout consultancy in Papua New Guinea. Report prepared for: The South Pacific Aquaculture Development Project, FAO, and Department of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Papua New Guinea. 28 p.

Cadwallader, P.L. and Eden, A.K. (1982) Observations on the food of rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri (Richardson), in Lake Purrumbete, Victoria. Bulletin of the Australian Society for Limnology, 8: 17–21.

Chapman, D.W. (1978) Production in fish populations. In: Ecology of freshwater fish production (Ed.: Gerking, S.D.), Blackwell Scientific Publications, pp 5–25.

Coates, D. (1989a) Preliminary report on trout stocking. FAO/PNG/85/001 Field Document No. 5.8 p.

Coates, D. (1989b) Review of aquaculture and freshwater fisheries in Papua New Guinea. FAO/PNG/85/001 Field Document No. 1. 30 p.

Coates, D. (1990a) Phase One final report and recommendations, Part 1: Recommendations regarding fish stocking and alternative options. FAO/PNG/85/001 Field Document No. 12/a. 49 p.

Coates, D. (1990b) Phase One final report and recommendations, Part 2: Fish species suitable for stocking and stocking strategies. FAO/PNG/85/001 Field Document No. 12/b. 42 p.

Coates, D. (1991) Recommendations regarding fish species suitable for stocking tributary rivers/streams (cold waters). FAO/PNG/85/001 Field Document No. 16.25p.

Coates, D. (1992) Fisheries Improvement through Stocking Higher Altitudes for Inland Development (FISHAID). Project Proposal - Department of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Papua New Guinea.

Davies, P.E.; Sloane, R.D. and Andrew, J. (1988) Effects of hydrological change and the cessation of stocking on a stream population of Salmo trutta (L). Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 39: 337–354.

Dudgeon, D. (1989) Investigations of potential food availability for fishes in the Sepik River. FAO/PNG/85/001 Field Document No. 12. 15 p.

Gordon, D.J. and MacCrimmon, H.R. (1982) Juvenile salmonid production in a Lake Erie nursery stream. Journal of Fish Biology, 21:455–473.

Kiener, A. and Richard-Vinard, G. (1972) Fishes of the continental waters of Madagascar. In: Biogeography and ecology in Madagascar (eds.: Battistini, R. & Richard-Vinard, G.), Junk Publishers, Hague, pp 477–499.

Lowe-McConnell, R.H. (1987) Ecological studies in tropical fish communities. Cambridge University Press. 382 p.

McDowall, M.C. (1989) Filling in the gaps - the introduction of exotic fishes into New Zealand. In: Introduced and Translocated Fishes and their Ecological Effects. Australian Society for Fish Biology Workshop, 24–25 August 1989, Townsville, pp 69–82.

Neves, R.J.; Brayton, S.L. and Helfrich, L.A. (1985) Abundance and production of a self-sustaining population of rainbow trout in the South Fork Holston River, Virginia. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 5: 584–589.

Petr, T. (1983) Limnology of the Purari basin. Part 1. The catchment above the delta. In: The Purari - tropical environment of a high rainfall river basin (ed. Petr, T.). Dr W. Junk Publishers, pp 141–177.

Povlsen, A.F. (1993a) Fisheries survey of the upper Purari River, Papua New Guinea - Methods and Discription of sampling stations. FAO/PNG/85/001 Field Document No. 20a.

Povlsen, A.F. (1993b) Fisheries survey of the upper Purari River, Papua New Guinea - Results and Discussion. FAO/PNG/85/001 Field Document No. 20b.

Sagom, P.H.W. (1989) Notes on trout water quality and the management of the trout in the Western Highlands. Technical Report, Department of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Papua New Guinea. 9 p (excl. appendix).

Shrestha, T.J. (1990) Resource ecology of the Himalayan waters. A study of ecology, biology and management strategy of fresh waters. Published by: Curriculum Development Centre, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal. 645 p.

Van Zwieten, P.A.M. (1989) Survey of lower order streams in the Sepik and Ramu basin 1988 – 1989. Description of method and sample sites. FAO/PNG/85/001 Field Document No. 7. 38 p (excl. appendix).

Van Zwieten, P.A.M. (1990) Distribution, altitudinal range and abundance of the fish species in the lower order streams of the Sepik-Ramu catchment. FAO/PNG/85/001 Field Document No. 9. 23 p (excl. appendix).

Waters, T.F. (1977) Secondary production in inland waters. Adv. Ecol. Res., 10: 91–164.

Waters, T.F. (1988) Fish production - benthos production relationships in trout streams. Polskie Archiwum Hydrobiologii, 35: 545–561.

Waters, T.F.; Doherty, M.T. and Krueger, C.C. (1990) Annual production and production:biomass ratios for three species of stream trout in lake Superior tributaries. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 119: 470–474.

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Whitworth, W.E. and Strange, R.J. (1983) Growth and production of sympatric brook and rainbow trout in an Appalachian stream. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 112: 469–475.

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