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6.1 Summary of options

At the minimal level, the project will require basic quarantine facilities, together with a simple network of holding/production/ distribution facilities. Of these, facilities for zone I and to some extent zone II would have the most immediate priority for developing subsistence food resources in the river system, though for longer-term development, zone III facilities would be needed relatively early, to allow sufficient time for quarantine, reproduction, distribution, and build-up of stocks. In outline terms, the costs of the various options and levels of development are summarised in Table 24, based on the earlier tables. The most practical and cost-effective options are underlined. Note: operation costs do not include direct costs of bought-in stock.

Table 24: Summary capital and operating costs

OptionCapital cost, KOperating cost, K
1a) Basic quarantine station plus occasional use of existing facilities (eg Aiyura, Gana) plus one or more simple ancillary sites80,00025,000
1b) As above but purpose-built quarantine unit130,00035,000
2a) As (1a), plus upgrading of coldwater facilities and additional ancillary sites140,000105,000
2b) As (2a), but developing new site rather than upgrading existing site.280,000120,000
3a) As (2a) plus upgrading of Aiyura system240,000150,000*
3b) As (2a) but developing new site rather than upgrading Aiyura440,000200,000
4a) As (3a) plus simple recycle system/ storage facilities, basic lab, Wewak or Madang260,000170,000*
4b) As (4a) but more completely developed, with hatching facilities, increased brood-stock capacity, at Wewak or Madang380,000200,000*
5a) System with new coldwater site (2b), plus fully developed system in Madang or Wewak (4b), plus ancillary sites520,000250,000
5b) As (5a) plus new zone II site720,000300,000
5c) As (5b) plus fully developed system in both Madang and Wewak850,000+330,000

* allowing for some savings through shared staff, etc.

In practice, assuming availability of sites, and depending on final species priorities and allocation of budgets, a gradual development from option 1a to 2a, towards 3a then 4a, and later possibly to 4b, would appear to offer the best and most cost-effective approach.

As far as the present project is concerned, an immediate priority would be the quarantine unit, closely followed by the setting up of some arrangement for zone I and II species. However, as there is at least a possibility that funds for some parts of the development could be obtained elsewhere, eg for:

6.2 Suggested implementation

The actual implementation of this phase of the project would depend greatly on the factors discussed in the previous section. However, a number of specific priorities can be identified:

Figure 12 shows an outline bar-chart schedule for the project.

Figure 12: outline project schedule

Figure 12

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