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Appendix I References

Coates, D., 1985, Fish yield estimates for the Sepik River, Papua New Guinea, a large floodplain system east of ‘Wallace's line’. J. Fish. Biol., 27, pp 431–443

Coates, D., 1987, Consideration of fish introductions into the Sepik River, Papua New Guinea, Aquaculture and Fisheries Management, 18, pp 231–241

Coates, D., 1986, Fisheries Development of the Sepik River, Papua New Guinea: Proposed Fish Introductions, pp 367–370, In J. L Maclean, L. B. Dizon and L. V. Hosillos (eds) The First Asian Fisheries Forum, Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines.

Coates, D., 1989, Fish Fauna of the Sepik and Ramu River Floodplain Regions: Summary of Information on Fish Ecology, Identification of Vacant Niches and Categories of Fish Species suitable for stocking; Field Document No. 3, PNG/85/001, in press.

Coates, D., 1989, Summary of the Geology, Geomorphology, Climate and Vegetation of the Sepik and Ramu River catchments with notes on their relevance to fisheries; Field Document No. 2, PNG/85/001, in press.

Coates, D., 1990, Sepik River Fish Stock Enhancement Project, Phase one final report and recommendations, Parts 1, 2 and 3, PNG/85/001

Kovari, J., 1986, Investigations into the re-establishment of carp fishing in the Highlands. FAO: FI: TCP/PNG/4503 Field Document 2

Kohler, C. C., and J. G. Stanley, 1984, A suggested protocol for evaluating proposed exotic fish introductions in the United States, p 459 in W. R. Courtenay, Jr and J. R. Stauffer, Jr (eds) Distribution, Biology and management of exotic fishes, John Hopkins Press, Baltimore

Pitt, R. M., 1986, Carp cultivation and the Highlands Aquaculture Development Centre, Aiyura. FAO: TCP/PNG/4503 Field Document 1, 108pp

Turner, G. E., 1988, Codes of practice and manual of procedures for consideration of introductions and transfers of marine and fresh-water organisms. EIFAC Occasional Paper No. 23, 44pp, FAO Rome.

Varadi, L., 1987, Detailed Engineering Design for the Aiyura Pond System and Hatchery. FAO: TCP/PNG/4503 Field Document 4

Welcomme, R. L., 1989 Back to Office Report, FAO/FIRI July 1989

Woynarovich, E. and L. Horvath, 1984, The artificial propagation of warm-water finfishes. A manual for extension. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 201, 183pp.

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