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118. The chairman reminded the Member Governments of the pledges made during the last PGC Meeting and requested them to indicate further pledges for 1988 particularly in view of the necessity for countries to make and increase, to the maximum extent possible, their voluntary contributions to NACA during the interim phase before the Agreement on NACA is ratified. The following responses were made by the representatives of the Member Governments:

  1. Bangladesh indicated that the annual pledge made last year of $10,000 might have to be reduced in view of the economic situation in that country.

  2. China indicated that though the Government has financial commitments, it will support NACA strongly and will contribute at the level of 1987.

  3. India indicated that the Government is in the process of expediting the pledge made for 1987.

  4. Indonesia indicated that for 1988, it would pledge the same amount as that in 1987.

  5. Hongkong indicated that it had increased its contributions from $1,000 to $1,500 from its IPF in 1987 and would continue the effort at this level in 1988.

  6. Malaysia indicated that the matter is still pending in the Government.

  7. Nepal indicated its difficulties in contributing to NACA core funding from national IPF. However, it said that the Government is actually processing its contributions from the national treasury on an annual basis; the result will be communicated soon.

  8. The Philippines indicated that a decision will be reached on its pledged contribution of $10,000 within the next three months.

  9. Sri Lanka indicated that $15,000 as in 1987 will be contributed in 1988. It strongly believed that the contributions should progressively increase to reach the target. However, it felt that there would be difficulties in convincing his Government to increase the contribution while certain other Member Governments either continued to neglect to redeem their pledges or did not contribute to NACA at all. Under such circumstances, he urged the Chairman to request that all the Member Governments/ participants in the Network should convey to their respective Governments the urgency of the matter. More Governments need to contribute to NACA, and those contributing now need to increase their payments to ensure the survival of NACA on a permanent basis.

  10. Thailand said that for 1988 the Government has approved the amount of $10,000.

119. Summing up the progress in this aspect, the representatives of both UNDP and FAO Rome viewed the matter with great concern and requested that the representatives of the Member Governments convey to their respective Governments the urgency of the matter, and expedite the approval of their Governments' contributions so as to avoid a financial crisis for NACA.

120. The Member Governments unanimously agreed to request UNDP and other funding agencies to continue to support NACA's activities, and in particular the Fish Disease Project.

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