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Dr. F. Brian Davy

IDRC is a Canadian-funded organization providing grants and fellowships for applied research to be carried out by developing country scientists. IDRC gives a high priority for research support on aquaculture with a major proportion of our support in Asia. IDRC, therefore, has many common interests with NACA and IDRC is very pleased with the close cooperation that we have had with NACA since its inception.

As mentioned at last year's NACA meeting in Indonesia, IDRC support is primarily focussed under the topics of training, research and information. Most details are available in the various NACA and IDRC reports. A brief overview is as follows:

1. Training

IDRC is increasing the proportion of its support for the development of training courses and training institutions in the Asian region. We are very hopeful that increasing types of high quality training, initially likely aquaculture short courses, can be developed in selected institutions in Asia. One example is the short course on fish disease diagnostics IDRC and NACA are jointly developing with University Pertanian Malaysia. IDRC continues to work closely with the one-year M. Aq. course at RLCP, the integrated fish farming and the mass seed propagation course at RLCC. IDRC had also jointly supported part of the economics course given in 1987 since the last NACA meeting.

2. Research

IDRC is increasing emphasis on focussing our research support on selected networks on genetics, disease, nutrition, socio-economics and integrated farming systems. Most IDRC support is directly to the various national or regional aquaculture centres many of which are also lead or national centres of NACA. IDRC works closely with the NACA Coordinator to link IDRC and NACA programmes in the most efficient fashion to achieve the project objectives. Lists of these research projects are available from IDRC.

3. Information

IDRC support on information is continuing in the areas stated in our previous statements at NACA meetings, primarily with SEAFDEC (SEAFIS and BRAIS), ICLARM (Selected Fisheries Information System) and INFIS (Indonesia). IDRC is awaiting a decision on the future of the NACA AQUIS in conjunction with our discussions with NACA on future cooperation.

IDRC would like to thank NACA for the invitation to attend this meeting and to wish NACA continued success in the future.

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