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Annex III

Deputy Resident Representative
UNDP, Beijing

It is an honour to speak after the Acting Mayor of Wuxi, a city famous not only for its beauty, its history but also for its tremendous development achievements over the recent past. I am pleased to convey to you the greetings of Mr. A. Joseph, UNDP Assistant Administrator and Head of the Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific.

It is interesting to recall that, at the second Advisory Committee Meeting held in Bangkok in December 1982, the UNDP Representative underlined some of the very issues of particular concern to all of us today, especially that of UNDP's involvement which can only address immediate objectives while the longer term aspects of the sustained application of results will depend on the development efforts of the region itself.

At the time, UNDP funding of external inputs for the coordination of the Network and for NACA development activities was provided already through the year 1983.

As will be seen from the reports to be presented today, further progress were achieved at the technical level. Nonetheless, the maintenance of the network requires further inputs which cannot be entirely funded by UNDP.

Our support to this particular regional project is not in question. As a matter of fact, UNDP does not intend to withdraw at a time when, increasingly, the immediate objectives of the project are being met and long lasting effects are within reach. However, having already allocated US$3,200,000 to NACA, not counting inputs provided at the inter-regional level as well as additional funds earmarked in support of NACA activities from funds available to specific countries - and China is a specific example, as the Government and UNDP decided to allocate US$130,000 for activities this year, UNDP hopes that further progress can be achieved in identifying solutions to the problems created by resource constraints and to the necessity of deriving suitable mechanisms for longer term viability of this important venture.

Meanwhile, I wish to re-confirm that UNDP will still be with you in 1984.

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