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Annex XII
Director-General, Department of Fisheries, Thailand



1. Overview of Project

On behalf of the Department of Fisheries of Thailand I wish to congratulate NACA for the rapid progress made within the short period of time of its operation. This progress is all the more remarkable when viewed from the wide coverage of the project and the unrealistic shortage of project staff. I am glad that Thailand, by hosting one of the four lead centres has been able to contribute to this progress.

I wish to take this opportunity to express my appreciation for the reports presented by the Coordinator and the Lead Centre Directors. From what has been reported, it appears that most of the teething problems of project implementation has been resolved, and that NACA is at the stage of consolidating its activities which I believe will contribute significantly to the development of aquaculture in the region.

NACA as project is the only one of its kind in the region. Its approaches are target-oriented and aimed at developing basic requirements for systematic development of aquaculture. Its activities are such that it requires a longer time frame to yield the required results. Regional cooperation through networking arrangement is still a new concept for aquaculture development. Technical personnel at the operation level will need to place it on a more practical footing. Agencies responsible for stimulating interests in governments in establishing and hosting lead centres for the benefit of the peoples in the region should consider these factors.

During the last Tripartite Review in December 1982 the uncertainty of its extension and funding beyond 1983 was made known to participating governments. Under the circumstances, it would be difficult for host governments to plan ahead. In Thailand, planned initiatives of the lead centre and DOF have to be aborted. Thailand, and I am sure other participating and host governments as well, appreciates the importance and need for self-reliance, but a reasonable period of time along with apporpriate outputs from the project should be provided to justify funding support from the government treasury and other sources. Extension of the project on a year-to-year basis is unsettling and does not instil confidence for long-term planning by concerned technical departments involved in the project. An assurance from concerned agencies responsible for the formulation and funding of the project for a longer-term support of the project is required.

2. Contribution from Thailand

Thailand has always subscribed to the concept of regional cooperation and TCDC. Besides being an active member, it is also a host government of several regional fisheries projects and organizations, including the IPFC Secretariat, SEAFDEC Training Department and Secretariat, as well as the Thailand Lead Centre and the NACA Head Office. Its in-kind contribution to NACA is large, and comprises laboratories, field facilities, personnel and operating cost. In addition, Thailand through its lead centre and DOF had provided todate cash contribution amounting to more than $60,000 as operating cost for specific activities, including the maintenance cost of the computer. We will continue to support the NACA activities assigned to the Thailand Lead Centre, including the RLCP-based training course, for the benefit of the region. This is a reflection of Thailand support for the project and its belief in the concept of regional cooperation.

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