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Annex XI
Head, Fish Culture Department

First I want to detail the two abreviations used by Mr. Chen Foo Yan this morning.

ACTIM is a French organization (Technical, Industrial and Economic Cooperation Agency), under the trusteeship of several Ministries, aiming to promote exchange between French and foreign specialists in order to develop all kinds of cooperation. ACTIM is also the French coorespondant of international organizations such as FAO.

C.T.F.T. to which I belong, is the French “Tropical Water and Forest Research Institute” which has a “Fisheries and Aquaculture” Department.

ACTIM has been invited to this meeting by the Coordinator of NACA project and has designated me to represent it.

The main aim of my coming is to get information on how NACA Project is going on and as a matter of fact, I have been listening with great interest the different reports of this morning.

The cooperation between NACA project and France will first depend on the topics and the fields you want my country to participate in.

As a conclusion, I would say that I shall do my best to convince my authorities, technical and financial sector to cooperate with NACA.

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