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11 October-Bangkok to Hong Kong.
12 October-Hong Kong to Wuxi.
13 October-Morning, Graduation Ceremony for Trainees of the First Training Course on Integrated Fish Farming; Afternoon gave a lecture to Trainees on “Integrated Fish Farming Outside China”
14 October-Morning, introduction of the Consultancy to the Chinese Officials and Scientists; Afternoon, briefing by Mr. Chen Foo Yan (until 2 a.m. the following morning).
15 October-Morning, visited Taihu Lake Fisheries Research Institute; Afternoon, discussion with the Wuxi Staff on the programme of the Consultancy.
16 October-Morning, private study; Afternoon, presentation of an outline on Chinese integrated fish farming by the Wuxi Staff.
17 October-Visited Holei People's Commune Fish Farm.
18 October-Morning, visited Wuxi Fish Farm, Li Yuan People's Commune; Afternoon, visited Fishery Team Number 1, Holei People's Commune.
19 October-Morning, visited Wangchuan People's Commune Fish Farm. Afternoon, visited Xinan Fish Farm, Li Yuan People's Commune.
20 October-Discussion on experimentation.
21 October-Discussion on experimentation.
22 October-Morning, second visit to Fishery Team Number 1, Holei People's Commune; Afternoon, second visit to Xinan Fish Farm, Li Yuan People's Commune.
23 October-Morning, visited Wuxi City Fishery Pellet Processing Factory; Afternoon, visited Taihu Lake.
24 October-Gave an all day lecture on “Waste Recycling”
25 October-Morning, Train to Suzhou; Afternoon, sightseeing.
26 October-Visited Zhang Zhuang Production Brigade, Huang Qiao People's Commune
27 October-Visited Jinwen Production Brigade, Tung Shan People's Commune; Evening, train to Wuxi.
28 October-Design of preliminary tank experiment.
29 October-Design of preliminary tank experiment.
30 October-Morning, second visit to Wang chuan People's Commune Fish Farm; Afternoon, third visit to Fishery Team Number 1, Holei People's Commune.
31 October-Design of tanks.
1 November-Private study.
2 November-Morning, discussion on integrated farming data collection procedures; Afternoon, visit Wuxi Fish Farm, Li Yuan People's Commune, to see concrete tanks for the preliminary tank experiment.
3 November-Gave an all day lecture on “Integrated Fish Farming Outside China and Fish Pond Dynamics”; Evening, departed by train for Beijing.
4 November-Afternoon, arrived Beijing and visited UNDP.
5 November-Morning, sightseeing; Afternoon, discussed Beijing programme with Mr. Tian and Madame Jing; Evening, Banquet hosted by Madame Yang.
6 November-Sightseeing.
7 November-Sightseeing; Evening, departed by train for Wuxi.
8 November-Afternoon, arrived at Wuxi and programme discussion with Mr. Hu.
9 November-Morning, private study; Afternoon, design of earth ponds.
10 November-Morning, Private study; Afternoon, discussion on Library, Language and Laboratory facilities.
11 November-Morning, private study; Afternoon, discussion on format for collection of data on integrated farming.
12 November-Morning, private study; Afternoon, second visit to Wuxi Fish Farm, Li Yuan People's Commune.
13 November-Discussion on experimental design and equipment.
14 November-Morning, sightseeing; Afternoon, train to Shanghai.
15 November-Sightseeing; Evening, flew to Gwangzhou.
16 November-Morning, travelled by car to Xinhui; Afternoon, sightseeing.
17 November-Morning, Visited Hongjian Fry and Fingerling Farm, Dangxia People's Commune; Afternoon, visited Dangxia River Fish Culture Station.
18 November-Visited Binbu Production Brigade, Shajiao People's Commune; Late afternoon, returned by car to Gwangzhou.
19 November-Morning, visited Pearl River Fisheries Research Institute and had discussions with Professor Chung Ling; Afternoon, private study.
20 November-Morning, private study; Afternoon, sightseeing.
21 November-Visited Xinfu Production Brigade, Le Liu People's Commune.
22 November-Morning, private study; Afternoon, flew to Bangkok.

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