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Anonymous. 1983. Sponges. Sea Secrets. September - October, Vol. 27, No. 5.

Bergquist, P. 1965. The sponges of Palau Island, Part 1. Pacific Science 19(2) p. 123 – 204.

Cahn, A. R. 1948. .i. Japanese sponge culture experiments in the South Pacific Islands. Fisheries Leaflet No. 309. U.S Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S Department of the Interior, Washington D.C. 9 p.

Cresswell, E. J. J. Updated. Sponges, their nature, history, modes of fishing, varieties, culturing, etc.. Pitman's Common Commodities and Industries Series, Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons, Ltd., London, England. 126 p.

De Laubenfels, M. W. 1954. The sponges of west central Pacific. Oregon State Monographs. Studies in Zoology. No.7:1 – 320.

Gawel, M. J. (ed). 1986. Proceedings, Federated States of Micronesia Aquaculture Planning Workshop. April 7 – 10, 1986, Kosrae, FSM. Department of Resources and Development, Federated States of Micronesia. 58 p.

Smith, R. O. 1947. Fisheries Resources of Micronesia. Fisheries Leaflet No. 239. US Fish and Wildlife Service, US Department of the Interior, Washington D.C.

Smith, R. O. 1947. Survey of the former .i. Japanese mandated islands. Fisheries Leaflet No. 273. US Fish and Wildlife Service, US Department of the Interior, Washington D.C.

Stevely, J., Thompson. J., and Warner, R. October, 1978. The biology and utilization of Florida's commercial sponges. Technical Paper No. 8. Florida Sea Grant Program, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. 44 p.

Storr, J. 1957. The sponge industry of Florida. Educational Series No. 9. State Board of Conservation. Tallahassee, Florida. 29 p.

Uwate, K.R., Kunatube, P., Raobati, B., and Tenakanai, C. 1984. A review of aquaculture activities in the Pacific Islands region. Pacific Islands Development Program, East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii.


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