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3.1 Daily training sessions

(10) Daily training sessions were scheduled for A. Khaleque, Momtaz Alam and Nahar Rahman, the three scientific officers assigned to the nutrition programme at FARS. Principles of fish nutrition, nutrient requirement studies, diet formulation techniques, and of applied nutrition testing were briefly reviewed. Several references were donated to the library for use by the personnel in developing their individual research proposals.

(11) Originally all personnel had grossly exaggerated concepts of what could be done with the equipment, staff, time and money available. These general concepts were reduced to workable projects which could be implemented and which would contribute to improved fish husbandry in Bangladesh. A General Research Plan in Nutrition and Fish Feed Technology can be found in Annex C.

3.2 Developing research proposals

(12) How to develop a research proposal was studied and practiced by the nutrition staff. Details of elements in proposal development can be found in Annex D. The proposals are produced in a standard way on the FRI Research Project Proforma, as exhibited in Annex E.

(13) Also the development of research budgets was discussed and applied to proposal development. Details can be found in the FRI Research Project Proforma (Annex E).

3.3 Research plans

(14) A five year plan for nutrition and feed technology research programmes was discussed at length, outlining the general areas and priorities for research. A draft plan was prepared by A. Khaleque, later adapted in discussions with Dr. M.V. Gupta, and can be found in Annex F.

(15) Protein requirement study techniques were reviewed with the staff. An example of this type of studies can be found in the research proposal on protein requirement in catfish in Annex G.

(16) Digestibility study techniques were discussed with various options and strategies to be used. One example of a research proposal to measure digestability of a diet and of protein components of that diet by Mrigal (Cirrhinus mrigala) was prepared (Annex H).

(17) Dietary research technology for various target species of fish and shrimp reared in Bangladesh was developed with the staff. A list of target species and type diet technology research needed can be found in Annex I.

(18) Binders for diets were reviewed including the advantages and disadvantages for use of each of them in various types of fish and shrimp diets to improve processing techniques and to improve water stability of the finished feed. The list of binders to be used in the research projects can be found in Annex J.

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