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4.1 Co-operative BAU-FARS project

(19) A national fish feedstuffs survey was planned as a co-operative effort between Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) and FARS. The objective of the survey is to quantitatively and qualitatively analyze indigenous agricultural commodities and by-products which might be used in diet formulations for various fish species, reared under different aquaculture strategies.

(20) Several discussions with BAU and FARS personnel resulted in a large 3-phase project which would:

  1. conduct the survey;
  2. collect and preserve samples for analyses;
  3. analyze all samples collected by AOAC methods.

A permanent record of feedstuffs available, of samples collected, and of assay results would be maintained in the nutrition laboratory at FARS. The assays would be a joint effort by BAU and FARS. Details of this proposal, which was submitted to the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC) for contract funding of the BAU portion of the work, can be found in Annex K (in the BARC-format).


(21) An International Network of Feed Information Centres (INFIC) has been established recently, with the objective to pool feedstuffs information available around the world. Through the survey described in 4.1, BAU and FARS could become involved in this. INFIC requirements for Class III membership were reviewed with BAU and FARS staff. INFIC requires all input data to be in a standard format and all nutrient and/or chemical analyses to be carried out by standard AOAC techniques. Input data forms will be provided; the BAU/FARS combination is expected to be capable to comply and to become a Class III member. All data obtained in the national fish feedstuffs survey will be recorded in this international register and will be available for nutrition and diet development work around the world.

4.3 Correlation with livestock feed surveys

(22) Also livestock research planning in Bangladesh is dependent on feed development possibilities, and co-ordination of ingredient survey activities are welcome. Contacts were made with Dr. James Dickey at BARC, who provided a recent livestock fodder and feed survey. A copy of this survey is included in the present report as Annex L. This survey can form a framework, over which the first plans for the fish feedstuffs survey can be plotted.

(23) Co-operation with the planned feedstuff work at the Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute (BLRI) will also be taken up as soon as its research masterplan is available in its final form.

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