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(41) The following recommendations are made with respect to the fish nutrition and fish feed technology research at FRI:

  1. A major effort should be expended to finish equiping the nutrition laboratory and support services for nutrition research at FARS. Voltage regulators should be installed to protect all electronic equipment.

  2. Standard methods of analysis by AOAC methods must be employed for all assays.

  3. More adequate water supply for the nutrition laboratory as well as a better drainage system has to be installed.

  4. More electrical circuits and outlets are needed in all laboratories.

  5. Two Scientific Officers of the Fish Nutrition programme at FARS should be sent to the IFST special-training school in Fish Feed Technology at the University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA, from 15 September to 15 December 1986.

  6. Research proposals planned and submitted to the CSO, FARS should be implemented immediately to start the young researchers on techniques and practice in fish nutrition research.

  7. The national Fish Feedstuffs Survey should be funded and implemented now in order to have material and assays completed by the time the fish feedmill will be installed.

  8. Construction of the feed mill building should be implemented as soon as possible to provide space for the feed mill unit operations equipment.

  9. Equipment for the experimental feed mill should be put out on tender as soon as possible to expedite delivery of equipment items with long delivery dates after order to the manufacturers. Prepayment or performance bonds will be necessary for several line items. Only tender in or before August 1986 will allow expected delivery in June 87 for the last items assembled and shipped from abroad.

  10. Research projects should be monitored through daily immediate supervision by the relevant consultant, as well as by monthly progress meetings with the CSO of FARS, and semi-annually meetings with the Director, FRI.

  11. A wet laboratory (aquarium room) should be finished as soon as possible at FARS to allow preliminary testing of diets before field testing, and for short term nutrition experiments. This facility must have a reliable water supply from a reservoir to allow flow-through experiments during power failures.

  12. All diet development work for FARS, BARS and MFRS should be done at FARS with diet testing done at the specific station for which the diet treatment was designed. Duplication of feed technology equipment and support laboratory facilities should not be considered at other places. Plans for duplication nutrition work in Chandpur should immediately be abandoned.

  13. The FARS library should buy as soon as possible a number of handbooks in fish nutrition related fields, next to the books left by the consultant (see Annex R).

  14. The nutrition consultant should not return until substantial progress has been made in facilities completion and research proposals implementation.

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