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3.1 Introduction

(59) In order to disseminate findings from the FRI research programmes a strong publication system should be developed. The prime objective of this will be to create and sustain an effective communication channel with the outside world.

(60) The specific objectives of FRI publications will be:

3.2 Types of publications

(61) To achieve the above objectives FRI should bring out the following publications:

3.2.1 Annual report

(62) This should highlight results and achievements of the past year, and policy strategies and research plans for the next year, together with used and needed budgets. To assist in efficient management and supervision of FRI's activities the contents of the Annual report should cover all those facts, programmes and plans in broad headings, like:

The Director FRI will prepare the report on the basis of yearly station reports from the CSO's and of HQ activities. Report preparation procedures, described in section 5 of TA-report No. 2 will be followed.

3.2.2 FRI-journal

(63) FRI should publish a scientific journal to cover its important research findings. Its aim is to document research results for the users thereof, as well as for the scientific community. The journal could start up on a annual/biannual scheme, but could eventually become a regular “Bangladesh Journal of Fisheries Research”.

There should be an Editorial Board to select and process the manuscripts and to edit the journal. The Board will determine design, style and format of the journal. For convenience reasons, it is suggested to follow the style of a recognized international journal, such as the Journal of Fish Diseases (UK) or the Bangladesh Journal of Fisheries.

3.2.3 Proceedings and Training reports

(64) Proceedings of seminars and conferences and reports of training programmes should be prepared. Objectives, scope and addressees will be determined separately before preparation of any of these documents.

3.2.4 Booklets and leaflets

(65) Occasional publication of booklets on important activities in research, training or demonstration is desired. These booklets will be directed towards the general users of the facts or findings described, and they will be published in both Bengali and English. Advisory leaflets (for public relations purposes) should be published when necessary. Scientists should also write popular articles in national dailies and popular magazines.

3.2.5 FRI-newsletter

(66) A monthly or bimonthly newsletter, in Bengali/English, should be published to carry news on recent holdings/happenings in FRI, as well as on fisheries activities in the country, region and globe, that are of interest for the target group of readers. The letter should be circulated widely (including to farmers) in order to popularize fisheries activities.

3.2.6 Directory, abstracts, indexes, union catalogues, and bibliographies

(67) These documents should be prepared by the library (Publication and Documentation unit) to facilitate dissemination of information, and to improve utilization of library resources, both intending to support research, training and extension programmes.

3.2.7 Scientific papers

(68) As can be expected from a research institute, the work will sooner or later lead towards results that are worthwile to preserve in international books or journals. Although make-up and style will be determined by the receiving editor or publisher, FRI stays responsible for the contents of the manuscript, and therefore these papers have to be considered FRI publications. The manuscripts should be approved by the FRI management before they are sent, and the institute should be mentioned clearly.

3.3 Publication procedures

(69) All publication work will be co-ordinated by the present Publication and Documentation unit (or proposed Publication and Public relations unit) of the Co-ordination Division at the Headquarters. But the responsibilities for the actual contents are elsewhere.

(70) As stated earlier, the Director FRI will prepare the Annual report, with the assistance of the CSO's and SSO (Publication and Documentation unit).

A Board should be constituted from amongst the senior scientists of FRI to assist in the publication of research outputs, namely in the selection of papers for national and international journals. The Board will examine and review manuscripts from all stations and select for the FRI-journal as well as for other national and international journals.

The process of publication would start at the researcher's level, where a manuscript is drafted after compilation of research data. The manuscript is then submitted to the teamleader in charge of the research programme concerned. The teamleader will examine the manuscript, suggest and discuss modifications (if necessary), and subsequently submit it to the CSO. After examination, the CSO will finally send the manuscript to the Publications Board at the Headquarters, through the liaison officer (librarian). All persons involved in this procedure will have to do the utmost to keep the time between steps as short as possible; the manuscript will be accompanied by a “process-slip”, on which dates of receipt and sending at each level (with signatures) are made visible.

(71) FRI should introduce a system of (fixed) incentives for authors of (accepted) papers, to stimulate publication activities. The Publication Board can be asked to prepare a detailed proposal for this.

(72) Preparation of training reports, proceedings, inventories, booklets, and newsletters will be the responsibility of the SSO (Publication and Documentation unit), but other concerned units of the Co-ordination Division should co-operate. The Public relations unit, for example, should take active participation in the publication of the newsletter and of leaflets. Therefore, it has been proposed (section 6) to combine publicity and public relations into a single unit under the same division. The Library and Documentation centre (see section 5) should prepare materials for directory, abstracts, indexes, union catalogue, and bibliographies to be published.

3.4 Staffing

(73) As shown in Table 3, the SSO (P&D) will have the overall responsibility for the Publication and Documentation unit. The SO (P&D) will assist him; he must have experience in proof reading. A skilled typist, familiar with typing of research papers, and an attendant will complete the unit. The SSO and SO should receive (at least) a short training on publication methodologies and techniques.

3.5 Budget

(74) An initial annual publication budget provision of Tk 3,05,000.-, and a total of Tk 10,09,550.- for the TFYP (1987 – 1989) would be required. The basic cost estimates are shown in Table 5. These estimates are made on the basis of present printing and material costs; a yearly escalation rate of 10 %, due to inflation and price increase, can be expected.

Next to the items of Table 5, the FRI general budget should cover the costs of the Publication and Documentation unit itself. This should include costs of salaries, stationery, postage, page charges in international journals, costs of reprints, etc.

Table 5 - Cost estimates for FRI publications (per year; 1986 prices)

Annual report3001Tk 25,000Tk         25,000
Proceedings, reports300515,00075,000
Booklets, leaflets300315,00045,000
Newsletter (8 pages)1000610,00060,000
Others (see 3.2.6)300225,000   50,000
Total yearly costs:   Tk     3,05,000

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